A (Baby) Bargain BOOM!

In addition to Fourth of July fireworks, we’re preparing for another kind of “BOOM” - a mini-population BOOM for several of our very own Right Stuf families! And how do we celebrate such a momentous occasion? Well, you can bet it will have something to do with anime… manga… and getting stuff you want at an extra discount!

From now through July 4, take an additional 20% off our regular sale prices on ALL IN-STOCK items! (Items that are in the Weekly Specials, the Bargain Bin or on Closeout are not eligible for this coupon, and this is noted on the individual product pages for these items.)

How? Just use the following reusable coupon code when you check out through RightStuf.com:

* Coupon Code: bargainboom
* Expires: July 4, 2007 at 11:59 CDT

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