Tips To Stay Awake While Watching Boring Anime


Things to do to stay awake while watching boring Anime —————-

By: Alpha

      Lets all face it.   There are anime that keep you glued to your seat and there are anime that makes you fall asleep.   As a reviewer and a fan, I know the feeling of falling asleep when watching a certain anime.   It rarely occurs to me though.   All of a sudden I just wanted to type something out to give some tips in which you can use to stay awake while watching boring anime.    

1) The old way, drink coffee.   I would prefer low sugar with less milk.   Note: Starbuck’s bottled frappuccinos don’t work.   I’ve tried it.  

2) This is used by my friend during the SAT I exam.   Buy yourself 1-2 cans of Red Bull.   I guarantee you will stay awake for a long time. *laughs*

3) Corny, but works way.   Stand up while watching.

4) Another beverage way.   Drink a lot of cold water and have your windows opened (applies to regions where it gets cold).

5)  Pitch yourself

6) Get some popcorn, pocky, chips whatever that makes your jaws move.    

7) Do NOT slouch in your seat.  

8) Pause the show, walk around the house for a few seconds then come back and continue.

9) Eat something that is super bitter or sour.   Those Sour Patch Kids or Cry Baby’s should do the job.

10) Go to the bathroom, and wash your face using cold water.



Main Idea of this Rant?! - Sharing my secrets to staying awake while watching boring anime.


Closing Statement(s) - If you have a secret(s) to stay awake to share, send them too me with the subject as tips and I’ll post them up here.

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