Sakura Wars
1919 Tokyo, Japan, years after the Great Demon War, a global task force called the Imperial Floral Assault Unit is organizing to combat the return of the monsters. The latest in technological innovation, the Kubo Spirit Armor, designed by engineers of Kanzaki Industries, is still in its testing phase. Only ones with enough spiritual energy can pilot the steam-powered machines. Kohran, Maria, Iris, Kanna, Sumire, Sakura, and lastly Ichiro are summoned as Tokyo’s last line of defense.
The Breakdown
The OAV isn’t bad but seems to be a bit rushed. But since this is an OAV and not the TV series (Which hasn’t been released in the US) I guess it can be forgiven. I still wish this Sakura Wars OAV stood on it’s own better. A more complete story would have been great.