Pia Carrot 2 DX

Koji Maeda is your typical high school student who is looking for a part time job over the summer. He seems to have found his calling at Pia Carrot. More like he can’t resist all the pretty girls. While contemplating his destiny, out of the blue, a girl dashes across and collides with him. He later finds out that the same violent girl he bumped into earlier will be his coworker from now on. No way can life get any easier for Koji!

The PC game to Pia Carrot 2 was released in Japan in 1997 followed by the SegaSaturn version in 1998 retailing for  ?7200 ($65.16). The anime is the sequel OVA series to Pia Carrot 1 but with a brand new cast (like how Onegai Twins is related to Onegai Sensei). It is a non-hentai version of similar events in the Pia Carrot 2 hentai DVD. Yusuke Kinoshita is the owner of the 2nd Pia Carrot restaurant. He only makes a brief appearance next to Aoi. You discover that he is soon getting married (to Satomi?). Rumi (Yusuke’s sister’s) appears in episode 4, a dyed blond, and works at the resturant to help out with the Autumn Gourmet Fair. Rumi will be turning 16, and has matured from what was seen in the first game. DX contains most of the characters from the video game, minus Sanae, Harue, and Tomomi. The storyline of Pia Carrot 2 follows Hinomori Asuza-san’s ending, the hardest person to win over.

The game site can be found at http://www.interchannel.co.jp/game/pia2/index.html The bottom link takes you to the Pia Carrot 2.5 page with character profiles.

The Breakdown
Short romance anime. You’ll appreciate the minor characters for their funny remarks. Koji might cheer on every girl that works hard but when it comes to Asuza there is no stopping their arguing. They are like two reincarnated warlords.

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