Witch Hunter Robin Vol. 1: Arrival
In a world where witches abuse their supernatural powers, a special team is tasked with hunting this new threat to society. This organization is known as the STN and comprises of several highly skilled craft users and experts in covert operations. But their most powerful craft user is a young woman named Robin. Her mysterious gift to summon deadly flames will determine the fates of her colleagues and lead her into a dark world of mystique and witchcraft.
It’s a refreshing spin on a detective story. Although it’s something I can see being done in a vampire story. Just replace the witches with vampires and there you go. But the term, ‘witches?in this show is used as a way to describe someone using their magic powers for evil. Not every person who practices magic is considered a witch.
The shows artistic style reminds me more of an American comic than your average anime. (It’s the eyes I tell ya!) The tension between Robin and Amon keeps the workplace interesting, as does the growing friendship of Robin and Michael. I can’t put my finger on it but WHR reminds me of Rahxephon. Perhaps it’s the pacing.
The Breakdown
Overall, there is room for improvement. But I see it getting better in the later volumes. If you’ve had your fill of zany comedies this year then do yourself a favor and check out Witch Hunter Robin.