Angel Beats Licensed By Sentai-Filmworks
Sentai Filmworks announced its acquisition of Japan’s white-hot anime series, ANGEL BEATS. A multi-media mega-franchise with two manga, a series of illustrated short stories and two internet radio shows, each new volume of ANGEL BEATS has consistently ranked in the top three nationwide bestselling Blu-Ray releases in Japan. Now the series is coming to the U.S. on both DVD and Blu-Ray. Both releases will include an all new English dub, with the first episodes of the dub set to premiere at Anime Boston.
Synopsis: It sucks being dead. Sucks even more to be trapped in a surreal afterlife where you’re caught between the living and the dead—where a mysterious, violent Angel is trying to pull you over to…somewhere. What do you do? Well, if you’re this group of rough-and-tumble teens, you grab every weapon you can get your hands on and give Heaven hell! High-caliber action and locked-and-loaded comedy meet on a rock and roll battleground in Angel Beats!