Archive for January, 2006

Godannar Vol. 1: Engage And Destroy

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Five years ago, as the Mimetic Beasts laid waste to Japan, Dannar Pilot Goh saved young Anna Aoi’s life. Now, as they prepare to march down the aisle, a new Beast appears and Goh is summoned into battle once more. But he’s not going alone; not if his blushing bride-to-be can help it! It’s a honeymoon from hell as two stubborn mecha pilots bump heads, egos and other bits; but if Anna and Goh can mate their robots’ interlocking parts, they’ll form the ultimate marriage of man, woman and machine! The battle of the sexes and the battle of the future of mankind are fought simultaneously in the wildest giant robot series ever, GODANNAR!

Fan service galore? You can call Godannar that. While it looks every bit like another Gravion mecha title, Godannar separates itself right off the bat by implementing a cute female lead character in Anna. The story revolves around humans, machines and invading aliens; the Mimetic Beasts. It began with the great battle; one that nearly destroyed Japan. It is there where Goh, the Dannar pilot lost and gained at the same time. Lost? Well telling you would be a spoiler, so I will just go with the gain. During the battle he saves Anna and miraculously the Dannar gathered up an ounce of energy left to continue the fight between the invader. And that, my friend, is the first ten or so minutes of the show.

Now if you are a fan of the ecchi humor genre, then you absolutely cannot go wrong with Godannar. Big boobie hotties and lovely beauties. Man, you sometimes just wish you were in the anime instead of watching it. I surely did :). The animation quality along with the mecha and character designs are dazzling. The plot, while might not be very interesting due to the fact that there are already a few of these titles around (Gravion, to name one), attracts you by its comedy and the experience delivered by the characters’ interactions with one another, as well as the mecha action; which comes together quite well.

Overall, Godannar is a perverted fans’ haven. Scandalous uniforms, weird situations, and hey, even some of the robots has breasts, so go figure ;). This series’ strong points are its relentless assault on the viewers through fan service, and I have to say, the statements made, leaves a deep captivating impression that will surely bring it a lot of attention.

The Breakdown
Godannar is a nice little series. It was a fun experience to have.

Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Two years after the final confrontation of Sephiroth within the northern crater, three new youths on motorbikes ambush Cloud. They are in search of the missing remains of their mother, Jenova. Once Jenova’s cells are in their possession, the Reunion can proceed. In other words, it would bring about the nightmare of Sephiroth once more and the destruction of the world. It is all mother’s will…

The most anticipated movie since 2003 has finally arrived on Japanese shores. Based on what may possibly be the greatest game of all time, Final Fantasy 7, which truly defined the Playstation console, Advent Children has sold more than 420,000 units in Japan within the first week of it’s debut on September 14, 2005.

The term Advent Children refers to the coming or arrival of the three children actually teenagers Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz that together make up Kadaj’s gang. All of which have the potential to become another Sephiroth. During this time Tifa’s 7th Heaven bar, formerly the headquarters of Barret’s Avalanche renegade group, now acts as both the office of the Strife Delivery Service and as an orphanage. Aeris has been long dead, yet Cloud is still guilt-stricken over the loss.

The Official Japanese website is located at with Flash interface where you’ll find a couple wallpapers, trailers, character bios. Soundtrack information can be found at which features the list of tracks and five samples.

The Breakdown
Sexy Japanese voices, sexy leather outfits, huge and long swords. What better combination is there?

Densha Otoko (The Train Man) TV

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Tanabata, the Star Festival, July 7th, commemorates the day when, according to legend, two lovers Princess Orihime and Hikoboshi who are normally separated from each other by the milky way are able to meet at long last. On the eve of Tanabata, a man and woman worlds apart make a similar wish for love. On their way home, fate finds them both on the same subway car. When an old drunkard causes a ruckus and starts harassing Aoyama-san, Yamada is the only person to gather up enough courage to confront him. This simple act of bravery becomes the foundation of a relationship between Yamada and Aoyama-san.

In the synopsis I meant ‘worlds apart’ in a figurative sense. Aoyama Saori belongs to a rich family and can easily pass off as a supermodel. Yamada Tsuyoshi is middle class and doesn’t have much of a social life other than playing video games, surfing the internet, and watching anime. He is the typical Japanese otaku with a geeky exterior. When he gets home that night, Yamada posts the highlights of the subway incident at a message board. From that day forth, his online buddies give him the nick ‘Densha Otoko’ which translates to ‘The Train Man.’ Densha Otoko is based on a true story of a message thread at the infamous 2chan and was made into a manga, a summer movie, and now a popular daytime drama series.

The official Japanese site can be found at

The Breakdown
The story that can be generalized to encompass the millions of Anime Otakus around the world whose dream it is to find true love.

Tenchi Muyo GXP

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Seina Yamada has the worst luck. When he tries to walk down stairs, he trips. When he rides his bike, it falls apart. And when a giant spaceship crashes on Earth, it almost lands right on his head!

But Seina’s luck just might be changing for the better when he is presented with an out of this world possibility… to enter the prestigious Galaxy Police Academy! So what if his ticket into the GP was due to a case of mistaken identity! Nothing bad ever happens in space, right?

Tenchi Muyo GXP has been released a year or so already. When it first hit the streets, I was skeptical about it. “Another Tenchi Muyo?” was what was on my mind. And because of what I thought back then, I have neglected this great title until now. In this addition of the Tenchi Muyo saga we pause from the life of Tenchi Masaki and instead follow the unlucky life of Seina Yamada. This dude’s run ins with bad luck is just ridiculously hilarious. One life threatening experience followed by another. That is just the norm that he deals with daily. But one day upon visiting his friend Kai, he unexpectingly “meets” Amane, a Galaxy Police over at Tenchi’s place. After a few quick scenes he is presented with a GP (Galaxy Police) pamphlet from Amane. And that is where everything begins to untangle.

When it comes to a Tenchi Muyo title, one of the things you know it will feature is a group of lovely females swarming one average dude; in GXP’s case, Seina. The ecchi humor is a little bit more “mature” compared to the Tenchi Muyo OAV that I have watched a few years ago, but when compared to an ecchi humor title that is more recent… it stands quite on the same plain.

The show commences off slow, and I was close to turning it off until Amane came in at the half point mark of the first episode and made it interesting. From then on, one thing let to another in the show and I just could not get enough. I was so addicted that I watched the show as much as I could fit in my tight schedule, and I managed to fit the whole twenty six episodes in two days. Even now, I feel like watching it again :), too bad I have to move on :(.

With the new twist of having Seina as the character of focus, instead of Tenchi, it brings in a refreshed feeling. It was a great revival of Tenchi Muyo for me. The story revolves around Seina’s luck, or lack there of. His ability to rack up pirates for the GP to apprehend is never before seen. And with this natural ability, Seina soon receives a ship to command and of course, babes to assist him on his journey.

The animation was a joyful experience. The mecha designs are pretty cool, and the character designs was one of the elements that brought this anime out of the box. Overall, Tenchi Muyo GXP is very impressive. FUNimation did a superb job in the release, and with four DVD sets to be released later this month (November 22, 2005), there is not a reason in the world, you should not take a look at this title.

The Breakdown
Tenchi Muyo GXP has become my favorite Tenchi Muyo series for the meantime… can anymore wonders be created for this saga? I certainly hope so. But as for GXP, I truly believe it is worth your hard earned/saved change. And as mentioned above, with FUNimation’s re-release of the series in four DVD sets at a great price of $29.99 each. Now is your chance to own this amazing piece!

Shadow Skill Vol.1: Fight For The Ones You Love

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

The kingdom of Kuruda has known many warriors, none greater than the Sevalle, an elite breed whose mastery of martial arts has made them legendary. But for the 59th Sevalle, Elle Ragu, a.k.a. Shadow Skill, being a legend is shaping up to be something of a drag. After all, adventure alone doesn’t pay the rent, and living check to check takes its toll on even the fiercest warrior. Strong as an ox and stubborn as a mule she may be, but it’s drinking like a fish that usually gets Elle in trouble. And as she travels alongside her brother Gau, leaving property damage and unpaid bar-tabs in their wake, a new threat looms on the horizon: spies from the kingdom of Solfan have entered the picture, and Kuruda seems to be headed for war…

Shadow Skill is an action packed anime filled with martial arts, magic talisman users, and demons; along with a touch of hot-blooded-super-robot-like-screams, this anime just becomes that much more interesting and worthwhile to view.

What I found interesting when I watched Shadow Skill was how things were set up. The characters. for one, were very actively introduced. In volume one of Shadow Skill, we see a very immediate and unique development in some of the characters such as Elle and her charismatic personality as well as giving her an image of a quick-to-act-on-everything person. Each character also seem to have a mind of his or her own as narration of characters shifts constantly from third person perspective to first person perspective where the viewers can understand the motives behind each action and decision.

The first three episodes does not hint to what the plot of this anime is other than the fact that something is going to happen to the kingdom of Kuruda. What I do like, however, is that volume one sets up a feeling of adventure, almost like a Role Playing Game. There is the protagonist Elle, who has the ability to use secret martial arts techniques (also the same with her younger brother), her ‘guardian’ who has the ability to use talisman magic, and a young girl who has the ability to use rings as weapon that has the power to restrain demons. A distinction of character attributes gives a feel like each character has something different to contribute further into the anime. But as for now, Elle is currently the 59th Sevalle and her past is fairly unknown.

Animation and music were also well done. I will admit that it did get a little annoying to see the screen turn black and some letters written out right before the attack, but the animation itself does not lack brilliance in colors or character designs. I looked at the structure and design of the coliseum Elle fought at and felt like I was in Rome (maybe a little exaggeration). Furthermore, the music is well composed. Everything played seems to fit perfectly with whatever is happening whether it was a sad moment or a happy one.

Shadow Skill volume one does a great job introducing some of the main characters as well as setting up an adventure to come.

The Breakdown
You’ll like this is you are searching for an anime full of action and excitement. Who doesn’t want to see a girl kick ass?

Virgin Fleet

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

They’re doing it all for love! Life isn’t easy for the girls in the super-secret Virgi Fleet. Schoolwork is rough and the competition’s brutal. Luckily, cadets are trained in the use of “Virgin Energy,” serous blasting power useful for playing pranks, scuffing with the (ick!) boys, and blowing enemy war planes out of the sky!

Virgin Fleet, the name of the title already suggests the wrong idea. No, this is not a hentai title, as much as it sounds like one. Instead it is a title about a character named Shiokaze Umino, whom goes about finding her reason to fight in an effort to save her nation… although it did not begin that way.

Before Shiokaze’s parents passed away, she had a marriage arranged for her already. The circumstances? She must graduate from the Academy, in which she learns to hone her “virgin” energy. This energy hidden within females was powerful enough for both sides of the war to call a cease-fire agreement previously. But as tie goes on, people tend to forget about the past and again a new breed of virgin energy must emerge.

Virgin Fleet is pretty much an average title. There is nothing splashy and nothing too bad about it. The comedy is there, but obviously it was not the main focus, as some of it, you probably would not even understand until a minute after what was said. The story is quick paced, it could be the fastest ninety minutes experience ever. Because it was fast, there was not any excess time for it to get side tracked, hence, creating a story that is to the point and enjoyable for those who like to keep their anime time to a minimum. For me? Well, my anime time is for as long as I can stay awake the whole day, so I will have to say, Virgin Fleet is a nifty title, but it is not for the viewers who would want to a lengthier story development in their anime.

The Breakdown
This title is average at best. The re-view value is low and it felt like everything was rushed right through. One scene to another, bam bam bam and the credits roll. :/.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd GIG Vol. 1

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Section 9, Japan’s high-mobility anti-crime unit, is back in action! The Major’s got her work cut out for her as she leads her team on a series of new cases now that the Laughing Man case has been closed.

Uprisings over the treatment of a wave of Asian immigrants threaten the political landscape, and the new Prime Minister brings in Section 9 to offer their services - but on a much tighter leash than they’re used to. After being reinstated, they must stop an assassin who is killing high-ranking officials, outmaneuver an incredibly talented thief, and unravel the reason a high-tech helicopter malfunctioned. And all under the supervision of the mysterious and disturbing man known as Gohda.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is back, now making its ‘2nd GIG debut.’ I have not seen enough of the first season, so I would not be able to compare the two. So let us start off fresh…

Major, Batou and the rest of the gang again has to do their usual work; kicking ass while taking names. This sequel to the much liked season one is a bit on the disappointing side. The episodes move by slowly and seem to drag on at moments with the boring conversations. I actually caught myself dosing off… until these critters made their return to Section 9. Man did that make a big difference in the show. All of a sudden it became more enjoyable and I began to focus more after that… yes, a little stimulation comes a long way, I guess; that and tack on Major wearing some sexy formal attire, is just like putting the icing on the cake.

Production I.G’s role in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is a huge one. The animation quality is superb, as expected from any Production I.G work. While the visual qualities of this show are high, the episodes do not seem to connect to each other or I just do not sense any. I believe that it is probably one of the negatives of this show. It is like starting brand new continuously, which certainly gets tiring. Maybe this feeling I obtained from watching the show was due to the fact that it is volume one and the show is just trying to get all the viewers acclimated to the environments of 2nd GIG. The sounds of this series are astonishing. From the opening theme to the closing theme I felt the music really jumped started the engine alright, it was just the execution that bogged the flow down.

This volume was not impressive at all, and I cannot lie about that. There were only two episodes that got my interests going. The other episodes were unbelievably, whack. Yes, you read that right. Whack. Hopefully in my next review for volume two, things will improve, until then, unless you are a diehard Ghost in the Shell fanatic, I would not recommend this series, yet.

The Breakdown
Time to move onto volume two and see if Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd GIG can bounce back! (Man I am getting cramps from typing out that long title name ^_^).

Shadow Star Narutaru Vol. 4

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Her greatest enemy could be her closest friend. Shy Hiroko is tormented by bullies. But everyone has their breaking point, and Hiroko wrestles with inner demons as she is tempted to use her powers to exact a terrifying revenge. Can Shiina save her family from the wrath of her tortured friend?

From the first glance, Shadow Star Narutaru looks like a kiddy anime title, but boy can anyone be more wrong. This title is like a less gory/bloody version of Lucy of Elfen Lied’s childhood, but still packs a strong punch. I have never felt so satisfied from watching an anime in a while and Narutaru just hits the spot. Why did it satisfy me? Well for starters, the show makes you hate some of the characters, and then gives them all a resolution. To put it in simpler terms, this volume of Shadow Star Narutaru is a killing spree. Hiroko, an average girl whom is also very intelligent becomes the target of a group of bullies consisted of girls in her school. These bullies do all sorts of mean things to her, yet no one does anything about it even with the knowledge of her being tortured by these girls. And with the added pressures from her parents wanting her to be a hundred percent student in all her classes, it gets kind of tiring for Hiroko. She feels hopeless, there is not anyone she can turn to except her one friend, Shiina.

Shiina has a cheery personality. She is one of those people who could be friends with anyone she wants to. And as the only friend of both Hiroko and another girl Sakura, who plays a small role in this volume, she tries to be the only brightness in the darkness filled world. Shiina is like the light bulb of their lives. There would not be anyone for Hiroko and Sakura if Shiina was not there. Can you blame it on their personalities? Their shy and afraid to stand up for themselves personalities? In part they have to take a bit of the responsibility, but the ones who are really at fault are the bullies that they each have to face at school.

Anyways, when you corner a dog, you are only asking to get bitten, and this is what happens with Hiroko. When the bullies went too far with their despicable acts and her father’s call to Shiina’s father to tell him to tell Shiina to get away from Hiroko… she finally snaps. Upon snapping comes her dragon child. This is where I said, “Oh yeah, get them *ahem*.” Maybe I got some issues, but I felt so good to know that these hateful people will get what they deserve. Now as for if they deserved what they got in the show, that is for you to decipher, but again as I have stated, I was satisfied with what each of them got in return for the crap that they made her go through.

Shadow Star Narutaru is drama packed. The plot is one of the most intriguing and entertaining I have ever seen. I really loved the way this volume played itself out. Even though not everyone survives, but it is okay, I received the message that the staff of Narutaru was trying to deliver, which was to question your surrounds. Just because Hiroko did not say anything, it does not make it fine to leave her be. If someone would have consulted her about her problems then we would not be talking about this now.

The Breakdown
I do not condone killing, and just because I said they deserved it, does not mean I would have said the same thing if it was real life. So let us separate the anime world and the real world and enjoy Narutaru, for it is a superb work of art.

The Place Promised In Our Early Days

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

In school, they were best friends. And they shared two passions: the plane they built together, christened Bela Ĉielo, and a girl, Sayuri. Oblivious to the tense international environment, the three form an indelible bond and it seems nothing can ever come between them and their dream. The boys believe that someday they will reach the distant tower – and touch Sayuri’s heart – however far away it may be… Come to The Place critics the world-over have hailed as a work of new animation genius. A mystical, lush and moving masterpiece about the passion of friendship, the pain of war, and the power of a promise that will touch, move and inspire you.

I assume most of you have read what I thought about The Place Promised In Our Early Days in May when I went to the New York – Tokyo screener, but what I am about to say now might just sound like two different people have gone to view this show. First off, I loved the animation. Makoto Shinkai is the man! No more details are needed, okay? Okay. Now the story, when I first saw this anime, it was boring. I said to myself, what the hell can Shinkai-san be thinking? But I guess a month or two or three can really change a person’s view on things. When I was watching this on DVD, I could not believe how different things were. Everything suddenly seemed understandable, and unbelievably incredible. I know I have said some harsh things in that Rant-ON I did on The Place Promised In Our Early Days, and now I have to take those comments back.

The story of three friends, Takuya, Hiroki and Sayuri began in their middle school days. While the two buddies, Takuya and Hiroki were building the Bela Ĉielo, Sayuri was there as moral support I guess. Anyways as time passes, Sayuri suddenly disappears and Takuya and Hiroki no longer had the will to complete the airplane due to the promise that they had made to Sayuri about flying together to the Union Tower. As their lives take on a different path, it all wounds up back to that promise that they had made. When the whereabouts of Sayuri was discovered, a turn of events also occurs. Her disappearance was due to her sleep. As time went on, her body’s ability to stay awake diminished and for three years she was lying in the hospital sleeping… and dreaming about the same dream, over and over again. It is truly a very special plot, looking back at it. You will definitely not be disappointed.

The Place Promised In Our Early Days is a show that is on the same level as Voices Of A Distant Star. While it is not as emotional, it sure is good. The interest factor was great due to the animation details. It kept your attention intact. The story also makes you want to dig deeper and comprehend as much as you possibly can. In the end, I was happy with this show. And my previous thoughts about it have been disposed of properly.

The Breakdown
While I still like Voices of a Distant Star over The Place Promised In Our Early Days… the separation is not all too much.

Area 88 Vol. 1: Treacherous Skies

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Shin Kazama is a gifted pilot with a bright future, a beautiful fiancƩ and a job with a prestigious airline until a treacherous act of betrayal rips his world apart and sends him into the barren desert of the war-torn Kingdom of Aslan. With escape only meaning death, he must now use his superior skills to become a cold-blooded aerial killer; and with every kill, he paints a trail of blood in the sky back to the life that was stolen from him.

You know, the first time I saw the flaming unicorn symbol of Shin Kazama’s fighter plane, I knew it was familiar. And to my surprise it was from the Super Nintendo video game, U.N. Squadron. Man was that game fun; it makes me want to go play it right now hehe. Anyways, Area 88 is U.N. Squadron, before its name was changed during the importing process to the United States. Maybe it was too close to sound like Area 51? Oh wells. The last fighter plane anime that I have watched was Yukikaze and Area 88 just blows that anime away. The dog fights and all the breathtaking action in this show has gotten me excited about the plane genre again.

When the story begins, you are put through the eyes and lens of battlefield photographer, Makoto Shinjo. As he narrates you through the nooks and crannies of his job, he also tries to expose Shin Kazama’s as well. Why is he in Area 88 fighting a civil war? That is the ultimate question that will be answered as the show goes on. So far, very little is revealed about Shin’s past, other than a girl named Ryoko. And just thinking about it, I believe this anime would be best that it was told in a third person’s point of view rather than straight from Shin Kazama himself. His character is no fun, so that will contribute to putting people to sleep, I guess. It was a great idea in getting Makoto Shinjo to narrate the plot, because he is a flexible character, it works out perfectly as he incorporates various features about him that separates himself from all the others.

Just wondering how this anime will play out has got me salivating, because whatever happens, I know there will be crazy aerial fights and at times even a bit of comedy to lighten up the mood. This is a great series with an intriguing plot and the animation quality amazing enough to make you beg for more and more, and more. You will be pleased.

The Breakdown
Area 88 has got to be one of the finest anime dealing with airplanes. Just when I thought it cannot get any better, it surprises me and exceeds my expectations with every missile launched or every bullet fired. It is a must have for you action deprived fans out there!