Archive for January, 2006

February 2006 NEWTYPE USA On Sale Now

Saturday, January 28th, 2006

Newtype USA, the leading anime and manga magazine in North America, offers anime fans a cure for the winter blues with an exclusive cover and in-depth feature on one of the biggest launches of 2006, Eureka Seven. With rebels, giant robots, sky surfing and the Summer of Love, Eureka Seven is the hottest new show from acclaimed studio BONES. Newtype USA’s eight-page special goes behind the scenes to speak with the cast and crew of this surefire hit, and even gives a first peek at the video game launch! (more…)

Japanese Lesson #2: Proverbs

Friday, January 27th, 2006

For this lesson, I decided to give you guys some fancy Japanese proverbs to keep you busy. I’ll be adding more soon, and feel free to email me (pirokun(at)gmail(dot)com) with some of   your own (or post in the Japanese Lesson forum). Please .. NO “Confucious says” proverbs.

Ok … here are a few that I found:

Iwanu ga hana
- Literally: “Not speaking is the flower”
- Meaning: Some things are better left unsaid / “Silence is golden”

Hana ni arashi
ę??ć?«å¸¢é›² or ę??ć?«ē¾¤é›²] č?±ć?«åµ?
- From the Japanese saying “Tsuki ni murakumo, hana ni arashi”
- Literally: Clouds over the moon, a storm over blossoms
- Meaning: life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness

Nou aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu
č?½ć?‚ć‚‹é·¹ć?Æē?Ŗć‚’é? ć?™
- Literally: “the hawk with talent hides its talons”
- Meaning: a wise person keeps some talents in reserve / the person who knows most, often says least / one shouldn’t show off.

Rakka eda ni kaerazu hakkyou futatabi terasazu
č?½č?±ę˛¯ć?«åø°ć‚‰ć??ē ´é¸?冨ć?³ē…§ć‚‰ć?•ć??
- Literally: “fallen blossom doesn’t return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine”
- Meaning: what’s done is done / do not cry over spilled milk

Ningen banji saiou ga uma
- Literally: “humans everything venerable Sai horse” (In the Japanese language, words are often ommited in a conversation. You sometimes have to guess who or what the subject and/or object of a phrase are based on the rest of the conversation or based on common knowledge.)
- Meaning: All human affairs are like Saiou’s horse: what at first appears to be good luck may turn out to be bad luck and vice versa; inscrutable are the ways of Heaven; fortune is unpredictable and changeable.
- Origin: From a Chinese folk tale about an old man called Sai.
One day his horse ran away. His neighbours commiserated with him over his misfortune, but Sai said “How do you know this is not really good luck?”. A few days later the horse returned, bringing another horse with it. His neighbours congratulated him on his good luck, the old man said “How do you know this is really good luck?” Some while later Sai’s son while riding the horse falls and breaks his leg. This in turn was good fortune because when all the men of the village are ordered to join the Emperor’s army. Sai’s son doesn’t have to go since he has a broken leg.

Hana yori dango
- Literally: “Dumplings rather than flowers”
- Meaning: the practical is preferred over the aesthetic
- Origin: In spring, Japanese traditionally go to the countryside or parks for flower viewing (hanami). But they often seem to be more interested in eating foods or drinking alcohol (and littering the place with filth) than appreciating the beauty of the flowers. It shows a part of human nature.
- This proverb can also be translated as “boys rather than flowers”, instead of the dumplings (food and alcohol), boys are prefered. I haven’t seen the anime series “Hana Yori Dango” yet, but I’ve been told the second meaning applies to it. [ 団å­? is pronounced “dango”, (sweet) dumpling, but ē”·å­? is pronounced “danshi”, youth/young man, so this is a Japanese pun of å­?.]

The English parts of this list are often a litteral translation of the given Japanese proverb. Since a lot of those are existing English proverbs I’m not sure if these are just English ones translated to Japanese, or if they are actually used in Japan…

Akuji senri o hashiru
Literally: Bad things run a thousand ri (1 ri = 2.44 landmiles, or 4 km).
Translation: Bad news travels fast.

Asu no hyaku yori, kyou no gojuu
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Doubyou ai awaremu
Literally: Fellow sufferers pity each other.
Translation: Misery loves company.

Hitotara ka ayamachi nukaru’n
Literally: People make mistakes.
Translation: To err is human; errare humanum est.
Note: this proverb is not used in Japan, but merely a translation of the Latin proverb.

Hitsuyou wa hatsumei no haha
Necessity is the mother of invention.

Ikkoku senkin
Literally: One quarter of an hour, one thousand pieces of gold (priceless).
Translation: Very valuable time; time is precious; time is money.

Ro-ma wa ichinichi ni shite narazu
Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Kane no kireme ga en no kireme
Where poverty comes in at the door, love flies out the window.

Kai inu ni te wo kamareru
Bite the hand that feeds one.

Kannin bukuro no o ga kireru
å Ŗåæ¨č¢‹ć?®ē·’ć??å?‡ć‚?ć‚‹
Literally: The cord of one’s store of patience breaks.
Translation: The straw that broke the camel’s back; to be out of patience; to be unable to put up with something anymore.

Kouin ya no gotoshi
Time flies like an arrow.

Korobanu saki no tsue
Look before you leap.

Koronde mo tada wa okinai
After a fire, hold a fire sale

Kyuu sureba tsuuzu
Translation: Necessity is the mother of invention

Me wa kuchihodo ni mono o iu
The eyes say as much as the tongue.

Mekura hebi ni ojizu
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Oka ni agatta kappa
Like a fish out of water.

Saigetsu hito o matazu
Time and tide wait for no man.

Sannin yoreba, monju no chie
Two heads are better than one.

Saru mono hibi ni utoshi
Out of sight, out of mind.

Sawaranu kami ni tatari nashi
Let sleeping dogs lie.

Seishin ittou nanigoto ka narazaran
Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Kon’ya no shiro bakama
The shoemaker’s children go barefoot.

Saru mo ki kara ochiru
Literally: Even monkeys fall out of trees.
Translation: Anyone can make a mistake.

Gou ni itte wa gou ni shitagae
Translation: When in Rome do as the Romans.

Hatake kara hamaguri wa torenu
ē• ć?‹ć‚‰č›¤ć?Æꨕć‚?ć?¬ or ē•‘ć?‹ć‚‰č›¤ć?Æꨕć‚?ć?¬
Literally: you cannot take a clam from a rice field.
Translation: You can’t get blood from a stone.
Note: I’m not sure about the kanji.

Sendo uko shite fune yama ni noboru
Too many cooks spoil the soup.

Seite wa koto wo shisonjiru
Haste makes waste.

Shiranu ga hotoke
Translation: Ignorance is bliss.

Shoujiki wa saizen no saku
Translation: Honesty is the best policy.

Sugitaru wa oyobazaru ga gotoshi
Too much is as bad as too little.

Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru
Great oaks from little acorns grow.

Koi to seki to wa kakusarenu
Love conquers all.

Yanagi ni kaze
Literally: The wind [goes] over the willow.
Translation: Follow the path of least resistance.

Nana korobi ya oki
Literally: Fall seven times, stand up eight times.
Translation: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again; the vicissitudes of life; always rising after a fall or repeated failures.

Heso o kamedomo oyobanu
Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.

Suntetsu hito wo sasu
Literally: Stab the pithy saying man (he who speaks vigorously).
Translation: Brevity is the soul of wit.
Note: I don’t know how this is written in Kanji, but “hito” could also be written like å?Ŗå¾’ which means “bandit”. And bandits usually had smaller weapons, which would also explain the original meaning of åÆø鉄, a short blade.

Takara no mochigusare
Literally: The owner of a treasure will rot/be spoiled. [not too sure about this]
Translation: Pearls thrown before a swine; to give something beautiful to someone who won’t appreciate its value; a white elephant.

Toki wa kane nari
Time is money

Tora no i wo kariru kitsune
Literally: A fox who borrows the skin of a tiger
Translation: A bluffer.

Tsukiyo ni chouchin
Literally: A paper lantern in a moonlit night.
Translation: Coals to Newcastle.

Yasumono kai no zeni ushinau
Penny wise, pound foolish

Yowarime ni tatarime
Literally: In time of weakness, there is an evil eye.
Translation: Misfortunes never come singly; it never rains but it pours.

Japanese Lesson #1: Pronunciation

Friday, January 27th, 2006

Pronunciation is probably one of the hardest things to master for most gaijin. It determines whether you get the response of “hai? wakarimasen (I’m sorry, I don’t understand)” or “ua! nihongo zyouzu desu ne (wow, your Japanese is so good)”

Most Americans pronounce “god” as “gawd.” Therefore, it would sound rather weird applied to the Japanese word. A good rule of thumb for pronunciation is to use long vowel sounds, but shorten them to crisp clean bursts.

For example, a long “o” sound in English sort of has a “w” sound at the end of it…kinda like “ohw,” you would want to shorten that sound to a quick “oh” sound.

Another thing that seems to be hard for some is the R’s in Japanese. Sometimes they almost sound like D’s. An example of this (since I’m a videogame nerd and feel the need to make a street fighter reference here), the name RYU is misspronounced by nearly every gaijin i know. It’s often pronounced “raiyu” or sometimes “reeyu.” The rolled R is pretty tough for Amercians anyway because we roll the tongue differently (inwards instead of outwards like the Japanese). In any case, try using a short D sound when attempting the R’s.

EX: Ryu - Diu, Ryaku - Diaku, Rikon - Dikon..etc. remember, less emphasis on the D sound.

Here are some other helpful tips:

‘a’ as in “mama” or “mine”, not as in “day”

‘e’ as in “they” or “day”, not as in “me” (also not as in “the” or “hello”)

‘i’ as in “Mississipi” or “me”, not as in “mine”

ohayo (good morning) —> like “Ohio”

gozaimasu —> God + *sigh* + mass + u as in “you” (short sound)

konnichiwa (good day / hello) —> kon as in “Conny” + nichi(day) as in n-”itchy” + wa as in “what”

sayonara (goodbye) —> *sigh* + oh + nara as in “sahara” (or onara as in “O’Hara”)

gochisou-sama-deshita (after dinner) —> Go! + chi as in “chill” + so + sama as in “mama” + de as in “deaf” + shit + short ‘a’

gogo (pm / afternoon) —> as in “Wake me up before you GO GO” .. (oh my god, did I just say that??)

Some sounds, when combined, become a new sound —

300 should be “san-hyaku” but becomes “sanbyaku”

600 should be “roku-hyaku” but becomes “roppyaku”

8.000 should be “hachi-sen” but becomes “hassen”

For those of you who want to get some words or sounds on audio: My good friend has a bunch of stuff that might interest you on Check out the folders starting with “audio” .. If you’re interested in the programs, I have to warn you that most programs are about learning the japanese writing and not just romanji words. Also, the language/advernture demo is intended for children ..

The funny thing about romaji (romanji) is that there are quite a few different ways to type it. There are some sounds that do not even exist in the language so they take that to their advantage to shorten the words when typing them.

For example, the sounds “tee” and “see” do not even exist in the Japanese language. The closest sounds is “chi” and “shi.” However for romaji purposes, they sometimes type it “ti” and “si.”


chigaimasu (that’s wrong) may also be seen as “tigaimasu”

shitsure shimasu (excuse me) may also be seen as “siture simasu.” (notice the “tsu” was reduced to “tu.” )

I just makes it easier to type when using that wacky J-shift keyboard (roman charater to Japanese charater)

Oh yeah, if you ever try to chat with a Japanese person in Romaji, keep and eye out for the use of “ha” instead of “wa.” This is JUST for keyboard purposes and is NOT proper Japanese.

EX: kore wa pen desu (this is a pen) MAY SOMETIMES BE TYPED… kore ha pen desu.

the reasoning for this is because when they type “wa” in there, the wrong “wa” character will pop up. It may be a little hard to grasp but I hope you get the idea.

Confused yet?

Okay…whew . Remember kids, even though I am the “m4st3r 0f l33t”, I’m in no way a master of japanese, but feel free to ask questions about this and all of my lessons (email me at pirokun(at)gmail(dot)com) (or post in the Japanese Lesson forum)…and also call me sexy. Especially that last one.

ImaginAsian TV to Launch ImaginAsian Home Video Label With Central Park Media

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Leading Japanese animation distributor Central Park Media Corporation (CPM) is proud to announce that ImaginAsian TV, America’s first 24/7 Asian American network ‘for all things Asian,’ has chosen CPM as its partner in launching the ImaginAsian Home Video label in North America. CPM will provide sales, warehousing and physical logistics services to ImaginAsian Home Video. CPM will use the wholesale and retail accounts which CPM has developed during more than fifteen years of spearheading the marketing of Japanese anime and other Asian-themed programming in the U.S. and Canada. (more…)

IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix Premiere

Thursday, January 26th, 2006


IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix Premiere ———————————-

By: Alpha

      I am sure by now you have heard of IGPX, or Immortal Grand Prix. The joint production of Cartoon Network and Production I.G. will air on Toonami on Saturday, November 5th, 2005 at 10:30PM (ET). As I am writing this, I am watching the screening of it at WCG or World Cyber Games. The event was held at the Manhattan Center on West 34th street, 8th avenue uhhh Manhattan (Duh!). Upon arriving there, the ONLY aggravating thing happens to me. I left the house at 4:00PM, knowing that the subway takes only 40 minutes to arrive to my destination. But what I did not calculate was the stop times the subway I was on took. Stupid train made my 40 minutes travel time to a whopping an hour and a half. What the hell? Why did it take so many stops? Well the reason behind it was because there was another train ahead of the train I was on. WHAT? Make that stupid train go express and we would not have to stop every two minutes!

      Argh! Whatever. That was the worst thing that happened though, now comes the bad thing. After my friend and I got out of the subway station, we proceeded to walk to the location. After walking a good six or seven avenue blocks, we look for the number of the venue. 311. I do not see it. I see a 300 and a 317, but where the heck is 311? After asking a mailwoman, she said it was that way and we did follow her simple instructions only to be at that 300 - 317 thing. So I ask another person and he was not much of a help, only stating the obvious. Then, suddenly something hits me. The way we walked was going up meaning we will leave the West side and go to the East side. Making sure of this, I looked up at the street sign and saw E. 34. I was like, ‘….’ Then I power walked back to the West part and checked the watch, I was already an hour and a half late. The screening was to be shown at 5:30PM and I was still walking at 6:30PM (Yes, I know it is only an hour difference, but I wanted to be there at 5:00PM). Anyways, my friend and I kept walking down and finally saw a big crowd. I knew immediately it was it. And to my surprise when I got there, the screening has yet to start! Maybe because they saw how important I was and had to hold it off until I arrived (Just joking!).

      Anyways, when we got in, we got greeted and some raffle tickets handed to us. As we step into the main area, the place was filled with computers in the front and umm geeks :P. I noticed the big NYT sign and their station so I proceeded to walk over and looked for Taeko, who invited me to the whole thing. Nope. Did not see her, then I took some posters and stuff and played a little Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig on the PSP and left to search for Taeko. Walked around a bit, and then I saw her. Approached her and stuff and when she said to me that there were issues with the IGPX screening, in my mind I was saying, ‘Cool, I have not missed a thing.’ Since IGPX was not going to show until the person on stage finishes up with his prize giveaways I waited and it was funny how in order to get a prize, the contestant must act out a video game that the crowd screams out… uhh, how do you act out Dead or Alive? Or Initial D? The only person that made a great effort was the Super Mario dude. Okay anyways, yeah yeah, here is where Dave Chappelle’s ‘Wrap-it-up’ box comes into play.

      So after a long time standing around, we finally get to sit as the show finally commences!!!! IGPX’s Eastern premiere!! The people grab their seats while my friend and I grabbed those same seats, we then later on moved onto these big single couches. Man was that nice hehe. While those people are sitting on those uncomfortable chairs, we were sitting on these ‘at home’ type of chairs.

      When the lights dimmed and the episodes rolled, I was immediately taken by of course, the animation, as things that look good always have a lasting appeal to a person’s mind. Production I.G. deserves some props. But just because something looks good, it does not mean that something will be good. What I thought of IGPX? Nothing much actually. It is like Nascar mixed with those speed ice skaters. I mean, the whole Immortal Grand Prix is a metal skating, offense and defense racing course for mechas piloted by different teams. Sure it is an original anime for the Cartoon Network, but has this type of anime never been done before? Nothing should be dubbed original, unless it is something that nobody has done. Well, that is what I believe in. Now as for the down low or low down. Takashi of Team Satomi (the main character, I assume) is a rookie racer and has yet to prove himself on the asphalt. The first two episodes scroll back and forth between cuts of the races and scenes of his background. While I find it hard to pay attention to the screen during the story development I found no problem at all when the speed comes into play. You can just feel the adrenaline rush from watching the races. The mecha design is amazing. Add the transformation feature and it will grab your attention even more.

      The music is right on for the action sequences. Blockhead did their job on it… but only if they had shortened their live performance after the screening was over. I do not know how anybody can stand hearing an endless loop of techno music for thirty minutes and above. Dude, everyone needs a rest. The crowd starts splitting, yet you are still spinning the turntable. I did not want to move, because I like to give people chances to impress me, but they had me at five minutes. When they stretched it to twenty minutes, I again, had to question where that ‘Wrap-it-up’ box was. Now my friend was crazy. He shouted out ‘Yo WRAP IT UP!!!’ But I guess nobody heard him except me.

      When Blockhead finally decided to stop, we cheered and walked around a bit more to see what was left. Nothing much. Most vendors had closed shop, and most people had gone off to either the ‘Players Lounge’ or wherever. Even the event host had to say that the raffling would be drawn out the next day. Well dude, here is a news flash. Not everyone has time to come the next day! You are being unfair to those who stayed till the end.

      When I was waiting on Taeko to take a picture with me, she kept running about and it was a mission to get her so I decided to go… only to be stopped by a… geek. The dude was scary. He comes out of nowhere, starts talking and then proceeds to hand two cans of sugar free Red Bulls to me. Then he was nice enough to offer to go get some regular Red Bulls instead of the sugar free ones. After I took a sip, I felt some tingles, but that was it. But when we left for dinner I really felt the effect. I swear to never drink Red Bulls again, because I feel like crap after I drink it. Oh wells, both of us went off into the night with some goodies back. The whole event was great, but I would have loved it, if I had known people that were there. Just standing and walking around is not my thing. I guess. Oh wells. IGPX should be a hit for Cartoon Network, and although I was not surprised or deeply impressed by it, I give them (Cartoon Network) a high five for trying to produce something for themselves. I can just visualize this as a trend of the future hehe. Hey you never know ;).

Here are some pictures from the event.   I included two videos, one of them is a clip from IGPX and the other is the person acting out Pong.   :P.   Enjoy!

Here is NYT’s booth.   They got a few PSP’s set up for the people to try out.

The picture makes the venue look small, but if you were there, you would be impressed.

Intel’s “Extreme” team here, showing off the chip’s prowess.

Here is a PSP with a face sticker and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig in it.

I have no idea, whose booth this is… seems like my friend liked them.   Oh wells.

Weirdo host rounding up some contest participants.   Click here for the Pong participant (18.4MB, 640×480 Resolution.   Please Save Target As… onto your computer).

Team Satomi’s mecha.   Looks crazy nice.   Click here for the IGPX teaser video (18MB, 640×480 Resolution.   Please Save Target As… onto your computer) that I have gathered.

You know what they say, “Two is always better than one.”   But in this case, there were actually two more plasma televisions on the floor :/.   So that makes four is always better than one.

Some dude whose name I did not catch.

Here is Taeko of New York to Tokyo, thanking the people for coming and introducing Blockhead.

Well, these two dudes make up Blockhead.   I was not expecting a performance, such as, the one they put up.

We got a WCG player here!   Why am I not surprised that he is playing Halo 2?

Blockhead is still spinning those tables after thirty minutes.   Here is when I begin to shout out, “Wrap it up!”

At last, the stuff that we freeloaded from the event :).


Main Idea of this Rant?! - IGPX and WCG all in one!


Closing Statement(s) - The event was kind of confusing for me.   Maybe I am just not used to going to them.   It was a convention more than a screening.   IGPX will most likely win a lot of fanfare amongst the American viewer and I am just itching to see what might follow after this show.

Trip To Hong Kong / China

Thursday, January 26th, 2006


My Trip To Hong Kong / China ——————————————

By: Alpha

It has been a couple of years since I had last traveled to Hong Kong, this time around though, everything feels so different. I am no longer an adolescent and I am traveling alone now. The day of the journey’s commencement, my father made me get to the John F. Kennedy International Airport an hour or so early, so there was basically nothing much to do, other than waiting after checking in with Northwest Airlines.As the boarding time approached, I took my leave and the adventure begins here. Right off the bat I knew my flight was going to be interesting. When I got to my assigned seat, I left everything alone, turned on my MD player and opened up Dan Brown’s amazing book, The Da Vinci Code. The flight to Tokyo’s Narita Airport was long, way too long. Approximately twelve to thirteen hours. During my break there I got to see a lot of kawaii Japanese females, but really, I am not here for that kind of business, so I tuned everything out and waited for the boarding of my flight from Narita to Hong Kong.

Arriving in Hong Kong was always special to me. Seeing the night lights during landing is an experience to remember. After getting out of the plane I proceeded to customs booth for Hong Kong citizens; a swipe of my identification card and I am out of there. Next up, baggage claim. I truly despise it. The process takes forever and you just never know if someone mistook your baggage and stuff. After a good twenty minutes, I am finally walking out to meet my aunts and cousin, whom have come to pick me up.

The new airport is an amazing architecture; modern and classy is a way I would describe it. Also the infamous double decker buses, which was the result of British rule of Hong Kong, was always a good sight for me. Well the bus ride was about an hour so by the time I got to my aunt’s house it was twelve something. I took my shower and waited for the next day.

May 19th, 2005

Nothing much went on today. Woke up at my usual 5:30AM, brush and washed up and turned on the television. In Hong Kong, there are only four channels available for free. Two broadcasters, two channels each. And if you know the history of Hong Kong a bit, you would figure out why a broadcaster will have two channels… give up? One is Chinese, whereas, the other one is English. Hong Kong is a tourist driven city, hence providing an English channel is the smart thing to do.

Anyways, I scrolled through the channels and found nothing but morning news. Sigh… I pulled my MD player out again and decided to play ‘If You Don’t Know Me By Now,’ by Simply Red. Heck I love oldies, the new stuff these days are all repetitive and boring. I will choose oldies over new music any day! Haha. When my aunt woke up, she told me she will leave work early to bring me to ‘Yum cha’ or drink tea. The people in Hong Kong will visit the restaurant any time of the day. Morning tea will feature an older audience as they had just finished up with Tai Chi and morning exercises. Afternoon tea features a young audience, mainly because people have their lunch breaks and take that time to sip a cup of tea with a colleague and what not. So, what is so special about Hong Kong’s yum cha compared to America’s? Well the most significant difference is that everything tastes great, they are cooked right after you checked your card of what they have, such as, dim sum and various types of things combo up with rice, and they do not ask for tips! That is right, almost everything required no tips. Hence making the meal I was about to enjoy even more cheaper in price. Ahhh food heaven.

After dim sum, my aunt and I walked to the shopping mall and just browsed through what they had. So many to choose from, your head will spin. When we were done, we bought things to cook for dinner and headed home. Home sweet home I thought, because I finally had time to continue where I had left off in The Da Vinci Code. After reading about seven chapters, I took a shower, watched a Hong Kong drama and then proceeded to sleep.May 20th, 2005

Woke up at 5:30AM again, said bye to my uncle and then listened to music as I was reading the book. An hour later, my aunt wakes up to leave for her work. She tells me to go downstairs to buy food later… and that I did. There is a mall directly downstairs of her building and I had many choices, but I narrowed it down to three, McDonald’s, CafĆ© de Carousel (I might have spelled it wrong) and Chinese fast food restaurant. I was sick of McDonald’s so I just went with choice three. I went in, ordered congee, chocolate milk, and toast. The lady looked at me weird, probably because of the way I ordered. I just picked what I wanted, she told me they are all separate items and are not a meal combo, so her point was probably that it was going to be expensive. I looked at her and kind of just said, ‘So?’ The bill came out to $26 Hong Kong dollars, approximately $3.34 United States dollars. Was that expensive? Heh, I do not think so, sometimes you can get breakfast for just $10 - $14 bucks and that is like $1.28 - $1.80 United States dollars. There are not deals like this in the United States. Lol.

After eating I headed back home and did what I had been doing since I arrived, music, television, and book. At 2:30PM, my uncle calls me and tells me to head downstairs for food, this time, CafĆ© de Carousel. I ate a tasty roasted pork/duck with vermicelli in soup. Man was that thing good… then I gulped down a cup of milk tea. After that we headed home and I did the usual. You may say, ‘Wow, it seems boring,’ but that is the way I live my life. I do not like to go outside for no reason. I would rather not waste energy on doing nothing, besides; it was hot as hell outside :).

May 21st, 2005

Saturday, my aunt is off of work today so she decides to bring me to visit my grandmother after morning tea with my cousin. Visiting my grandmother was the whole point of this trip, as she now lives in a home for the elderly after breaking her leg from falling down some stairs. Well, we went to Sheung Shui, taking the East Rail. Man these trains are silent, nothing like New York City subways, where it is dirty, smelly and loud as hell. Also if you ever visit Hong Kong and take the East Rail or any rail in particular, do not lean on the doors, because oncoming trains will scare the crap out of you if you are a tourist and is totally oblivious to that knowledge.

Anyways, after the train, we had to transfer to a sixteen seater bus. When I arrived at the home for the elderly, I could not recognize my grandmother. Her hair was white and she had a hair cut. But I guess we both break even, because she did not recognize me as well hehe. Welp, stayed there for a while, then headed back to the train station where the Landmark Mall is. We windowed shopped a few stores, such as, Blue Star Exchange, G2000, Bossini, and Fortress (electronics store). I was in no hurry to buy things as I still have a lot of time. When my aunt and I got back to Tai Po, we met up with my uncle at the Tai Po shopping mall and ate at CafƩ de Carousel. I had my favorite toast :). Then we shopped a bit and went home, showered, watched TV and sleep.

May 22nd, 2005

Today, my second aunt who lives in the building across from my aunt’s building promised me to yum cha, so I woke up crazy early, around 5:00AM, listened to music, read, and then decided to practice some basketball. Now I was rusty at first, but then the J’s started coming. When I saw the sun come out blazing, I left lol. When the sun is out, the heat begins. I took a shower, then around 10:00AM or so, my second aunt calls and tells me to go to the restaurant downstairs. I went and after the tea I left with my cousin to walk around Hong Kong a bit. We went to Sha Tin, they did not have much, other than Snoopy’s World. I was saddened by the fact that they took down the landmark of the Sha Tin mall; the musical fountain. Oh wells. We headed to Mong Kok, the place where all tourists go for cheap stuff. Heck we had no idea where the hell we were going so we just walked around and saw some interesting looking tower. We decided to go in and man was this place grand. Aside from looking modern and ancient (lol what a clash of two worlds), there was a special Star Wars event going on. Although I am not a fan of Star Wars, here are some pictures of the thingy.

When we left the Langham Place, we headed to Kowloon, and the way I know how to get there required some walking. We got on the MTR (this is the subway) and got off at Lok Fu. Once we resurfaced, there was a politician doing something. I had no idea what, so I just power walked out of the area, where the media was. We walked through the park that I always went to when I was a kid. Nothing much changed, although the horror stories still freak me out till this day. Once we got out of the park, a few blocks down will be where my kindergarten, elementary school is and where my home once was. They tore it down and built some old school temples look-a-like thingy there, sigh… just for the tourists. Well, the mission for the day was to find the cheapest price for a Sony PSP and $1690 was the cheapest for the regular edition and $1890 for the value pack. We left after learning the prices and headed home on 75X, the double decker bus hehe.
May 23rd, 2005

Today is the day my grandfather comes back from China for his check up. I got up early as usual and played some basketball. After that I took a shower and headed down to CafĆ© de Carousel, the place was packed (while I am out of school, the students in Hong Kong do not get out until early late June, early July), so I said forget this and just went to McDonald’s and got some hotcakes. When that was over, I went back upstairs and watched TV until my grandfather arrived. When he arrived, we went to yum cha and just spent some time walking together as it has been a while since we have done that. We headed to the newly built supermarket and it was clean and does not even look like a supermarket. Attached are some pictures.

After we bought some groceries, I headed home, my grandfather went to walk around, because that is just what he always does. The day ended like usual hehe.May 24th, 2005

Today was my uncle’s off day and all of us went to morning tea. My grandfather left early for his appointment for his check up. I stayed a bit more to feast on more food. After that we went back home and I waited till my grandfather was done. When he came back, we went to afternoon tea, and I ate a lot again :P. Then my days in Hong Kong was ending as I head to China, to the place where my grandfather and ancestors lived; Da Peng, Lung Kee. The bus ride was about an hour and a half long and the scenery was pretty after passing Shen Zhen and seeing all the crazy drivers/Jay walkers. Enjoy the pictures.

May 25th, 2005My first full day in China, I woke up early and my grandfather, his maid and I went to Nam Au (my translation sucks) to yum cha. Immediately I felt the differences between the two places. The buses here all have busted suspensions! You will be lucky to walk out without catching some neck spasm. I also saw that some of these people are so lazy. Why? They cannot even walk a block to the place they want to get off. Let us say someone decides to get off the bus at the beginning of this block, another would get off at the end of this short block! What the hell?

The restaurant was not bad, but the variety was limited. Oh wells, after that we just bought groceries and went home. My uncle from China calls me and then we went sightseeing a bit. Man driving in China is not for n00bs. We were driving by the shore and the damn road had no railings! And there were boulders on the road and the bushes grow out so long, you cannot even see oncoming cars haha, I was glad to have survived that. When we reached the destination, I liked the views and the ocean’s breeze. It is just a feeling I cannot describe. So carefree, away from the stress in New York City :).

May 26th, 2005

Early in the morning, my uncle and I headed to Lung Gong (Dragon River). We hitched a ride from his friend who drove a Honda Fit sedan. The name sounds weird, but it is a car that you probably would not see in America, because we get all the crappy stuff. Just a note, did you know that Acura’s TSX is actually a Honda Accord? So the next time you go saying that your Acura is higher class than your friend’s Honda… think twice. There is just so much benefits from being so close to Japan and having similar demographic interests, such as, being efficient and saving gas/energy; something Americans are just beginning to learn about, because of the outrageously high gas prices :/.

Anyways, Lung Gong was cool, although it is no Shen Zhen as it is not as modernized as Shen Zhen. The restaurant was like four to five stars at least and the area was just nice looking. I have taken some pictures of the symbol of Lung Gong, and as you should expect, it is a humongous statue of a dragon surrounded by a bunch of other smaller dragons below. When we left to go back to Da Peng, my uncle asked if I have ever been to a massage parlor. I was surprised, but said, ‘Let’s go.’ Wow, was it an awkward experience. NO! It is not what television and movies depict it to be, although I am sure there are some that are. It was relaxing. I played basketball last night and she could feel that my muscles were tired. When the full body massage was done I was so loose. The massage cost $25 Yuan, no wonder why people go so often. That is like $2 - $3 bucks American.
All that massaging was gone to waste as later at night I went to play basketball again lol. Man I hate how their game is. When they play full court, they run a constant fast break with a basketball that can break your nose, because it is so pumped up with air. While I was not a scorer in the game, I dished for my team, and even when we scored every time when I was controlling the game, they do not pass the ball to me enough. Wow. I was pissed about the game, because I know I can school every single one of them, but was not given the chance to. I left and went home, took a shower and watched this Hong Kong drama that I have been hooked on ever since I came back.

May 27th, 2005

My memory is not serving me well for this day :(, but I believe it was pouring like crazy. So nothing special went on, probably.

May 28th, 2005

Well today after yum cha in the morning my grandfather told my uncle to drive us around, because he saw that I had nothing to do in the house other than read… but that was not the case anymore as I have finished The Da Vinci Code hehe. Well I really had no problem with reading, because it gave me a free mind. But we went to eat crabs, taking the same dangerous road as I described last time. A funny incident happened. Because of rain, the guards were hesitant to allow people through, they stopped a few people and advised them, but when they saw my uncle’s illegal car, they did not even care lol.

The water here is so nice. There was a natural spring water from the mountains (not Poland Spring crap). It was a great place to sit and dine right next to the ocean. I really loved that feeling.

May 29th, 2005

As my days in China are coming to an end, my grandfather, aunt and uncle drove me to West Chung and East Chung. I am not even going to attempt to translate the names. West Chung had several beaches and all of them were clean, blue. I swear, take a look at a picture here, if you had not known that I was in China, you would probably have thought that I was in the Bahamas. Heck, all I needed to sell the picture was a bottle of Corona haha! I love the breeze, the sun, the sound of the waves, does that make me weird? :P.


May 30th, 2005Today was a great sight seeing day, but I was stupid enough to not bring my camera! We went to the peak of a mountain and guess what was there; a golf course. Damn rich people. When Chinese people are rich, they are truly rich. Buying stuff with stacks of cash, driving the latest Benz convertible or BMW Z4. Something always came to my mind when I saw rich people living up in the mountains. You see, back in the day, poor people had to live in the mountains, because it was just how it was; cheap. The people with money lived in the city and stuff. Now the whole thing is reversed, hence, some people just do not get it. I wished I had pictures, it was a great scene one after another :(.

May 31st, 2005

Finally, today is the day I go back to Hong Kong with my grandfather. After dim sum, we headed for the bus. Once we got back to Hong Kong, we went back to Sheung Shui to visit my grandmother. Then we shopped at Landmark Mall; this time buying stuff, because I leave on June 2nd. Once we put our luggage back in Tai Po, I called my uncle since Tuesday was his off day. We told him to go to afternoon tea, surprisingly, my aunt got out of work early and the four of us went to afternoon tea, then shopped even more. We walked a lot and I bummed off a pair of all black Air Max 95’s from my grandfather. I also found the best PSP deal, $1630. I bought it for a friend and when I was testing the game when we got home, I told my grandfather, I think I am fixing myself one too lol. We laughed and the night ended.

June 1st, 2005

Well the time has come near and my grandfather and I went to visit my grandmother one more time. After that we took a break in KFC and headed back to Tai Po. We waited for my aunt to come back, then we headed back to the PSP store hehe. We were there to pick up the PSP case, but then my grandfather asked if I wanted it. I said, ‘Yes,’ and I got the value pack edition for $1820, very cheap considering all the throw ins the owner gave. After that we bought groceries and headed home. Later at night, I told my aunt that I was going to the supermarket downstairs to buy snacks for the flight. So she calls my second aunt and we met her there. I just swiped everything not available here in the States and my second aunt offered to pay as a present. Oh wells, when we got back I packed the stuff nicely and waited for the next day to come.

June 2nd, 2005

The day has finally arrived. I woke up at 4:00AM and went back to sleep for an hour later. Everyone woke up, my uncle was heading for work, my aunt, grandfather and my other uncle was going to drive me there and see me off. The drive was shorter than the E41 bus ride. I wished I had taken a picture or two of the Tsing Ma bridge, it is the longest suspended bridge in the world. When we got to the airport, we went to McDonald’s and had a meal there. After the meal I departed for customs check, said my goodbyes and my travel back in time begins.


Main Idea of this Rant?! - A diary of my vacation to Hong Kong / China.


Closing Statement(s) -

All in all I loved this trip, there were so many cool things that I have seen. You know what? I will add in some pictures of the other places I went a few years ago. All pictures of great tourist areas.

Inside the West Rail.   Newly built at the time.

The famous clock tower of Hong Kong.   A lot of proposals are done under this tower :).

Do I really need to introduce you to my friend here?

The Peak, it is the symbol of Hong Kong.

I am smiling here, not because I am thrilled… it is more of a smile in the face of fear.   I cannot stand heights…

If you are afraid of heights, then this is not the place for you to go… just riding on the tram to get up to the Peak will scare the crap out of you with its’ crazy incline.

This is probably one of my best photos ever taken, but my aunt is in the picture!!! :(

While my trip was short, it was great. There were some stuff that was not all that cool as well. Like some dude cursing at me after I moved out of the way when he said excuse me. I moved myself away without looking at him and he just speak about my mother. WTF? The other incidents were all on the flight back. The person sitting next to me, slept like he was delivering a baby and the dude behind me kept coughing. The lady in front of my had her seat back so much that I wanted to just punch the damn thing so she can realize it. And what is with the babies? The baby a few rows back of me, would not stop crying!!! Argh! The JFK baggage claim sucks. How are you going to put five flight’s luggage at one baggage claim? You should see the crowdedness of the belt and the time it took for me to claim my bag. Sigh… with these negatives, I am still contemplating a trip next year again, as the newest and most modern Disneyland will be opened there by that time. (September 12th, 2005 specifically I believe).

The Place Promised In Our Early Days

Thursday, January 26th, 2006


The Place Promised In Our Early Days ——————————–

By: Alpha



Ever wonder why New York City is called the media capital of the world? A good reason behind that is that New Yorkers get to see a lot of things first and that includes this title in which I will be expressing my views upon. ‘The Place Promised In Our Early Days,’ by Makoto Shinkai. You know, the same dude that created ‘Voices of a distant star’ on his Mac alone…The screening began at 8:00PM on Tuesday, May 10th, and I was still on campus at 7:00 something PM. My university is approximately fifty miles from the Tribeca Grand Hotel in Manhattan, so I had to step on it a bit on the highway. I knew I was in quite some luck when I hit traffic along the way. Nonetheless I continued to drive on and got to the screening room at the last minute.

When I arrived, the NYT dude greets me like I am a n00b, but that is cool, because I believed it was the same dude who made me miss out on the Newtype USA first launch goodies bag. I still remember it vividly, ‘Press only, press only…’ Pisses me off, but okay I let it go as Taeko comes out and I told the NYT crew that I told Taeko that I was coming (I have never met Taeko before so I did not know it was her when she came out), hence I did not need an invitation card :P.

Got inside the room, the place was packed. I ended up sitting at the back, because I like to be alone. The people next to me annoyed me when I was watching the first Makoto Shinkai work (Voices of a distant star), when the DVD skipped, everyone acted like it was the end of the world (comical). I did not find anything funny about it so I did not laugh. After the end of Voices of a distant star, we had a five minute intermission in which Taeko and her lovely assistant take the business cards from the viewers, dump it in a bag and pick out the winner for some prizes which included: a Voices of a distant star poster and the other two prizes were the Voices of a distant star DVD. So three winners all together heh. I never win so I was not high on my chances. I then proceeded to walk over to Taeko to ask her about the goodies from when Animesou did the Appleseed Watcher. She forgot :O, oh wells, by that time, the second, and main feature comes on, ‘The Places Promised In Our Early Days.’

I have to say, you can kind of tell it was a Makoto Shinkai work, because of the nice backgrounds that accompanied the anime. The characters were much more detailed, compared to Voices of a distant star (Ushio Tazawa was the person that did the character designs) and of course, this film features more than just two characters :). The story revolves around two friends whose dream was always to fly to the Tsugaru Strait so they can see how magnificent a structure it is. They first start off by building a plane… as for the parts and hands on skills, they obtained from their part time job. The people that they worked with and hitting the books also helped them a bit. Half way through their building, Sayuri Sawatari, the girl that Hiroki Fujisawa likes, tags along, because he could not resist to say no to her. As time went on all three of them grew together and the plane was still in progress until… of course this is as much as I will leak out to you, because if you cannot imagine what will go on next.. you should go see it :).

Now, for what I thought about the film. I have to say I like Makoto Shinkai, but this film is a back track from Voices of a distant star. It did not make an impact from the beginning. It was more like smooth sailing… kind of like another regular teen drama (does change at climax). I felt so isolated. I did not feel as if anything else moved when the characters were interacting. This is supposed to be a secret, but I will tell you anyways hehe. I actually fell asleep at times because some scenes were not interesting at all. Although I do have to mention that my day consisted of three finals and one presentation, so I had a real migraine after the last final… I actually second thought if I should go to this screener, because I was in such a bad shape, but I chose to go, because I have been missing a lot of NYT events hehe.

Okay back to topic. The plot did not connect with me, unlike Voices of a distant star, which just clicked in on first sight. Furthermore it was just too slow. It became boring because of the large amount of story told through dialogue. The constant shifting from one scene to the next also confused me, as it was too constant and did not connect to each other all that well.

Let us say, the three friends were playing in the water after Sawatari and Takuya falls in. Then we black out onto another scene literally asking ‘WTF?’ The little jokes were not funny enough to make me chuckle, but the other viewers though otherwise. (Well they did have the sense of humor to laugh at how NYT fast forwarded to a scene where we left off because the DVD player decided to go bonkers instead of skipping to the track.) The woman next to me said, ‘Are you kidding me hehe?’ I said in my mind, ‘What is so funny?’ I mean technical problems do occur in the world you know.   Sigh oh wells, by the end of the screener I was so out of it I could not wait to get home and sleep.   The headache went away after the nice hot shower I took, for those who was concerned about me for any reason :).



Main Idea of this Rant?! - Just my .02 on The Place Promised In Our Early Days.


Closing Statement(s) - All in all it was not a bad event. I would have had more fun if I did not had a headache. It was cool to finally meet Taeko instead of always contacting her through email. I probably would not give ‘The Places Promised In Our Early Days’ another view, but hey, I am not leaving out the possibility of doing it. I might look at it differently from the second time around (without the headache), like I do some of the times for other titles. But as it stands right now, ‘The Place Promised In Our Early Days’ is long like its title and just unimpressive overall.   Oh wow, I almost forgot, here is an honorable mention.   Big thanks to ADV Films for making the whole screening possible!   <3.

Newtype USA Launch Party

Thursday, January 26th, 2006


Newtype USA Launch Party!!! —————————————-

By: Alpha

       Wooohooo!   The day has came and gone, first issue of Newtype USA has been finally released.   What a way to celebrate this historical event with a party put together by the folks at New York-Tokyo.   I was excited and nervous at the beginning of the event.   That was old news though, after the staff gave Ray and I a warm welcome. (Everyone who attended was treated the same :P)

       Once we got inside, we saw a table for media/press, of course I put Animesou on the list. (Argh!!! I was suppose to get a bag of goodies… I’ll get back to that point later.)   As we continue forward we can see the first screen, where the ADV released anime was mixed in by SQUARESQUARE with the music by BETA, SHEROQ, and OSCAR POCHE.   After walking down a few steps; Free issues of Newtype USA were lying everywhere for the people to pick up.   We got ourselves 2 issues and immediately, I went looking for a nice place to sit, … What better place to sit than 10 feet away from the blasting speakers?   On another note, Thank god we arrived early; In just 10-20 minutes after I found a seat, the place was packed.   Anyways, I ripped opened the packaged Newtype USA and compared it with Newtype Japan’s September issue.   I’d say approximately 20% of NTUSA was NTJapan, translated, of course.   The cover feature was the same, which was Gundam SEED.   The extras were all different, the most noticeable difference between the two versions was the preview DVD of Bandai Entertainment’s newest title Arjuna.   Overall, I’ll say both versions are unique in their own ways, currently the best Anime/Manga magazine in America is NTUSA and its safe to say, it’s here to stay (Nice rap huh?)

       The people were cool, I met a guy from Subway Cinema who promoted the many cool Hong Kong movies with his ads; Great guy, he hooked Ray and I up with a glass of Vodka. (HEY! its a party, and what’s a party without some alcohol?)   While I was in there, I had 2 people ask me if the magazine was good.   I told them, “Yeah, it’s the best in the U.S. market now, and it isn’t a translated NTJapan, most of the contents are fresh out of the box.”   I can really say, I got kind of drunk after that glass of Vodka, because at that time, I had no idea what I said to those people.   Other than what I think I said ^_^;;    

       Oh, how can I forget, let’s go back to the bag of goodies issue.   Well, as I was sitting and chilling with my glass of something.   I see people holding these bags.   I told Ray, “Yo! why they got bags and we don’t?”   Ray, “I don’t know.”   Alpha, “Yo dude.   Go get one or two.”   So he goes and comes back to me empty handed.   I asked him, “Err…what happened?”   Ray, “The guy won’t give me one, cause he said PRESS ONLY.”   Alpha, “WHAT?   press only??   You told them you’re from”   Ray, “Yeah.”   Alpha, “You sure?   Because I’m about to go there and tell him myself.”   Ray, “Dude, I told him I was from Animesou and a press.   The dude sounded like he doesn’t understand English.   All he said was Press Only, Press Only…..”   Alpha, “Oh my god!   what the *beep*!”  

  >>Fast-Forward to 30 minutes later>>    

       I decided I had enough of partying so we leave, but of course we wouldn’t leave until I get a damn bag of goodies!!!   So I went back up to the table, but this time it was a girl, a very kawaii girl.   Ray asked again, “Uhh… Can I have a bag please?”   Kawaii girl, “Do you have a magazine?”   Ray, “Yeah.”   Kawaii girl, “Do you have a T-shirt?”   Ray, “Uh… no, can I get 2?”   Kawaii girl, “OK!, let’s save the bags for others who don’t have the magazine and t-shirt.”   Later we found out in the bag was Pocky and chopsticks or something from another attendee, while we took the subway back home.

       Oh wells, in the end, we didn’t get ourselves a bag of goodies, but it was still a nice party.   I have provided some unprofessional pictures from the party taken by Ray.
Here goes nothing:  

The first screen, right after the entrance, notice all those bags of goodies behind the guy in the red.


Picture explains everything.   Alpha is famous :P


The screen, the crowd, the PARTY!    


DJ’s mixing some pretty hot music!


Newtype USA, Premier Issue!


Here we have Da Man Wit Da Planz (Alpha) posing with his Newtype gear!


Here we have Da Man Wit Da Planz (Alpha) semi-drunk and way too happy.   Look, he’s about to smack some Newtype pride into the camera man (Ray) with the magazine.


More Pictures:

Do I really need to explain?


Here’s the DVD that came with the premier issue.   It contains of Bandai releases only.


One of ADV’s acquisitions in AX2002, Rah Xephon postcards!


More Rah Xephon postcards!





Center fold of Miss. Faye Valentine.


Reverse side of the Faye Valentine center fold.


A bios of Faye.


A HUGE poster of Sakura Wars.


Finally, we have Chapter 01 of Full Metal Panic.   The anime series is also a new acquisition on ADV’s list in AX2002.


Main Idea of this Rant?! - Just hooking you people up with what went down at the Newtype USA launch party.    


Closing Statement(s) - w00t!, all fun, wish the Animesou staff was there too!   I truly thank everyone who made this party possible.   New York-Tokyo (I give them a lot of credit), and ADV Films for making Newtype USA available to the American Anime and Manga fans..



Kristen from ADVocates

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

On November 8, 2004, your friends at ADV films established the ADVocate program, an exclusive official anime fan club on a national level. Sponsored high schools, colleges, or community library clubs within the United States having a minimum of 15 active members are able to sign up. Benefits include monthly preview DVDs of the latest anime titles, prizes, games, contests, promotional items like posters, and much much more. Best of all, it’s free!
The purpose of the ADVocate program is for clubs all around the nation to promote the spirit of anime and to network fans with all that ADV has to offer. Anne Armogida, Director of Marketing at ADV Films said, ‘ADV feels very connected to our fan base, we seek to help them in any way we can by supporting them through Anime ADVocates.’ So what are you waiting for! Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. For more information please visit the ADVocates section of the ADV Films website. You can also contact them via e-mail at

Interview Q&A’s Conducted By hinatasou:
As a special treat we at were honored to speak and get acquainted with the ‘Anime Club Girl’ in charge of the ADVocate Program, Kristen. How did you get involved with ADV Film’s new club program Anime ADVocates? What was your motivation?

Kristen: Anime ADVocates is my first major project for ADV. I’ve been with the program since the beginning. I know it’s hard for clubs to get together, find a place to meet and have new stuff to watch on a regular basis. So, I really like the idea of doing something to make it easier for clubs to get some of the best stuff out there to watch! To date, about how many clubs have registered to be ADVocates?

Kristen: I’ve had a great turnout with clubs joining Anime ADVocates! I’ve got over 600 in just 3 months! It rocks! I hope to get many more! (So tell your friends!) What is the future direction of the ADVocate program?

Kristen: I can’t tell you…it’s a secret! I’m sure you’ll like it though! What do you like most about your job as the ‘anime club girl’?

Kristen: The best part of being the anime club girl is getting to talk everyday with club members! I get so many emails thanking me, that feels really good…to know what I’m doing is impacting others positively. When ordinary people on the street think of anime their first instinct is that they are cartoons for children. Is there something we can do to bridge the generation gap, that shows can be enjoyed by both adults and kids?

Kristen: Since I’ve been a fan I’ve noticed the gap closing. Recently my mom has embraced the love of anime! It surprised me at first but now we watch it together. She thinks it’s the coolest thing that I get to work at ADV (of course I think it’s pretty great too). But what can fans do to bridge the gap? Anyone that wants character development and great story lines with twists should watch anime. Channels like Anime Network try to bridge the gap by providing a wide variety of titles 24-7 for all to see…encouraging things like this would bridge the gap in my opinion. Once people get to see what anime is all about, I can’t imagine them not wanting to see more. What is your favorite anime series and why is it your favorite anime character?

Kristen: Its REALLY hard for me to pick a favorite anime series…I have a ton that I love, and I find more everyday. My list would have to be (not in order)
Cromartie High- it is so freakin funny! One guy, Shinjirou, has this purple Mohawk that sways back and forth all the time. The 4th episode is probably my favorite (that I’ve seen so far) because its all about getting a song stuck in your head but not knowing where it came from or what it is!
Chrono Crusade- nuns with guns! What’s not to like? Is there any anime character that you have the hots over? Or, who is your favorite anime character?

Kristen: Its between two; Dark from DNAngel or Yuki from Fruits Basket. If magically you had the chance to be in any anime setting, where would you be and why?

Kristen: This ones hard! A lot of the anime I enjoy (like Gantz) I wouldn’t want any part of their world to be my reality. Cromartie High would be fun; a world with a guy that closely resembles Freddy Mercury and a gorilla that can play guitar would be pretty rockin. Being in the DNAngel world would be cool too because there are guys with wings (every girl has got to love a guy with wings!). Besides anime, what are your hobbies and interests?

Kristen: I love to paint and lately I’ve started coloring in coloring books again (the kind that are really detailed geometric shapes that you do with markers). I hadn’t done that in years, but I recently started again and it’s really relaxing. Also I love reading, collecting action figures and playing video games. And one of my favorite things to do is build with Legos! I really just enjoy playing! I don’t think I’ll ever grow up. What kind of music do you listen to? Are you in to JPOP?

Kristen: I’m not good at classifying music so I can’t exactly label the type of music but these are some of my favorite bands: Sigur Ros, Mars Volta, Super Furry Animals, Cooper Temple Clause and David Bowie. I haven’t ventured into J-pop just yet. The music from Aquarian Age is awesome…I rock out to that a lot. What is your favorite food?

Kristen: My favorite food…there’s something really superb about a deli turkey sandwich. Yummy! And finally the age old question, boxers or briefs?

Kristen: No question: boxers! All the way!

Main Idea of this Rant?! - hina and Kristen are doing all the ranting. I am just kicking back and enjoying this interview :P (alpha)

Closing Statement(s) - Kristen, thank you for participating in this interview with Animesou. We the staff, appreciate your kindness and willingness to sit and reply to us with such interesting stuff! Again, thank you and I hope ADVocates have even more success! I hope you fans liked this little tidbit from Kristen. Ja ne.

ADV Podcasts on iTunes

Wednesday, January 25th, 2006

ADV Films has two new podcasts available on iTunes. First is the ADV Films Trailer podcast where you can find the newest trailers to come out from ADV. Teasers, trailers and longer expanded trailers will all be added as new ones come out. Also now available on iTunes from the Anime Network and ADV Films is DVD Dojo. (more…)