Archive for January, 2006

X [ONE] + Special Collector’s Box

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Two groups of supernaturally powered warriors begin a prophetic battle to shape the future- a clash that will rock the foundations of the planet! The Dragons of Earth swear to purge humanity from the world, while the Dragons of Heaven are the last hope of all mankind. One young man holds the key to Earth’s destiny.

I give all the credit I can to the all female group, CLAMP, their works are some of the most impressive. The anime titled X has always been a mystery to me, ever since the earlier release of X the movie. I had doubts on X the TV series, because of X the movie. That was a while ago. And the title X has once again appeared, this time a TV series that’d surely rock your telebi (television).

The moment you put this DVD on your disc tray and in the DVD player. Prepare yourself for one hell of a ride. Episode 0: An Omen is an introduction to what’s about to happen in the future of X. After seeing just volume one, I began to finally acknowledge the world of X. The characters’ background are revealed, which definitely helped me in understanding the story and Episode 0 kind of explained the situation so it’s hard to not understand X anymore :P. Anyways, in volume one we have the main character Kamui who hasn’t been awaken yet. Although he has the powers he doesn’t know what his destiny is. Then we have his other self, which will be Fuma Monou, an old friend of Kamui’s. He of course will be his nemesis later on the show.

The Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of Earth fight for what they believe in. The Dragons of Heaven believe in that the world they live in now shouldn’t be altered in anyway, because it’s the world where the inhabitants and their loved ones live. The Dragons of Earth however believe the complete opposite, which is the world isn’t ideal. In order to make an ideal world, they will destroy the current and start a new one. I don’t think I was paying much attention when I was watching X the movie. How can I not catch the two clan’s intentions! And that must have lead to my dislike of X the movie.

So far X TV is pretty interesting. The characters, the story and the action were all very well done. CLAMP CLAMP CLAMP, looks like CLAMP has done it again!

The Breakdown
I love CLAMP! ^_^;; Had nothing much more to type out after all that you’ve read hehe


Saturday, January 21st, 2006

In the distant future… On a desert planet… There is a legendary gunman. His name is… Vash the Stampede. A gunslinger so dangerous, a $$60,000,000,000 reward has been placed on his head! Vash, also known as the Humanoid Typhoon, has been credited with the destruction of several towns, but miraculously, there is no record of him ever taking a life. However, only two things ever happen to those who catch up to Vash, they either crawl away wounded (mostly from self-inflicted damage), or they stagger away in disbelief that such a dork could possibly be the man they are looking for!


The Breakdown
Trigun is an 8 DVD series, which is very costly, if you plan on buying this series do so on or, find a good place to order from. My recommendation goes to DVDPlanet though.


Saturday, January 21st, 2006

The first season is13 Episodes long. Battle of the sexes as I’ll call it. The beginning of the first episode already tells you what’s going on. Vandread is based in a universe where men and women are fighting against each other.

Our main character Hibiki (Cosmoman) is a teenaged boy who has never seen a woman in his life, until the women attacked the men. He had an up close and personal look at a woman. And that’s where the story kicks off. Cosmoman and two other men were imprisoned, one is a doctor and one is the pilot of the battleship. Our Cosmoman of course is the robot pilot. The ladies pilots fighter planes, which are able to combine with Cosmoman’s robot one at a time. After the combination, the result is a super powerful piece of hardware. I think that sums up the series, you’ll probably hate me for cutting you off but go out and buy the series I recommend it to all anime fans that like shounen type series.

The Breakdown
The comedy and the girls kept me hooked, so I think if you are a guy, you’ll like it too. (I’m not saying that my anime sisters wouldn’t like Vandread though)

Vandread: The 2nd Stage-Vol. 1: Survival

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

The discovery of a drifting escape capsule leads to new threats to the survival of the Nirvana, two new crew members and the secret to the aliens’ origin! The aliens continue to adapt themselves and attack the Nirvana in new ways. As the crew struggles against these developments the Nirvana itself undergoes a transformation and a tragedy causes the unthinkable - Bart grows up.

*Sigh….* Once again I’ve ordered something that’s from Pioneer Animation that came without the things that were advertised. It happened with The Soul Taker and now with Vandread 2nd Stage. They didn’t give me my collectible cards that the case of Volume one stated that they were included! I hope Pioneer Animation’s collectible department fixes this or else I’m going to be a really ticked off customer. I’ve sent them an email a few days ago, no reply yet so errrrr… I’m really going to go off soon. What? Why? Because Vandread is one of my favorites. Enough with my problem, here I present to you the review of Vandread 2nd Stage volume one without my collectible cards :(

Vandread 2nd Stage is the sequel to Vandread 1st Stage (duh!), what’s different is that, the story is really going to kick off and new characters are introduced. They are Misty Cornwell, and Pyoro-2 (Erza’s baby)!!! The Earth wanted to harvest the others, because they have lost the ability to reproduce. By thinking that harvesting the others’ body parts they can create something that’s perfect. Our Nirvana of course won’t let them have it their way. Hibiki has more problems to face now that Misty likes him too. Jura wants to have a baby, the ‘real’ way, not with an Ohma. Pyoro-kun names Erza’s baby Pyoro-2. All these fun stuff happens in volume one, aside from fun stuff though, there are also, moments of sadness and climatic moments.

In episode one, it shows what goes up must come down. Just when it went to the ‘to die by the harvesters or to live’ situation. The show, shows the determination of Hibiki and how he believes that people should pursue to live instead of waiting to die (So true, Hibiki my brother ^_^). That’s one of the climatic moments for you, now for a sad moment. I can’t say it without spoiling so I’ll just say that Bart became more mature, because of this.

Closing statement: Pyoro-kun says, ‘Vandread is back and defending at a video dealer nearest you!’

The Breakdown
Vandread was the first work I’ve seen that was done by the good people at GONZO, ever since, I’ve been impressed every time another work of theirs is released. Vandread 2nd Stage continues the story of 1st Stage. So in order to see the real ending you must see 2nd Stage. NOTE: October 25, 2002, Vandread Turbulence is released in R2 and can be ordered at CD Japan.

Plastic Little

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Ah, today let’s talk about plastic a-little. Plastic is used for many things in the modern world. It’s used for electronics, manufacturing cars, cosmetic surgery, and even breast. Yes breast, I can touch on that subject all day…What? My review isn’t on plastic? Alright, sorry ’bout that. Well since I’m on the subject, plastic is also used to make DVDs. And God bless the plastic that houses this work of art by Kinji Yoshimoto known as Plastic Little.

Plastic Little is the adventure of a 17 year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru, Tita. She’s one of the roughest, toughest, tomboy heroines ever to strut her stuff in a spandex wet suit! It takes place on a planet known as Yietta where colonists make their living by exploiting the planet’s unique liquid-gas oceans. The Yiettans are about to pay off their debts to the Galactic Federation at the cost of their own planet.

By rescuing a 16-year old girl by the name of Elysse from the clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of herself and her crew in extreme danger. All for an important computer code which they think Elysse knows. It’s a dangerous game of cat and mouse, with one crucial difference: Mice don’t shoot back, but Tita does!

The only thing that keeps Plastic Little from being an instant classic is it’s length. It just seemed that a lot was crammed into 60 minutes that’s all. They could have expanded it into a much more dramatic storyline if given maybe just a half an hour more. Heh, I guess I’m just mad because it’s over.

One more thing I’d like to mention is that I liked the sub-titled edition more than the Dubbed one. Yes I actually like anime in my own language (English) rather than one I don’t understand. I’d rather watch the show than read subtitles. So shoot me, I know it’s a sin to watch anime in English… I can hear it now, ‘you’re not a true blah…blah…blah.’ But I only like it if it’s done extremely well. I can’t stand cheap dubs. This title isn’t one of these mind you, It’s just that the subbed one has a certain flair to it that I just can’t put my finger on. In the English dub, they added accents to the characters. This may or may not be your thing. At least you can choose between both.

Okay, two more very nice things, this is just something I must address. I’ve looked through some of Kinji Yoshimoto’s art books and I must say he draws the most fabulous breast for his Females characters ever. The best breasts…hey, try saying that five times fast… best breast, best breast, besh besh, besh besh. Heh, heh see ya can’t do it.

The Breakdown
Need a little excitement!? Snap into a jiggle counter! Wait, that isn’t right…

Princess Mononoke

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Princess Mononoke…what a touchy subject. With all the hype it’s been given, this is a chance for me to test my honesty. Some say this is one of the best animated feature films of all time. With the production value near or equal to that of a Disney feature and Anime legend, Hayao Miyazaki behind it, I see how it would garner such attention. After such anticipation… I come back hardly impressed. I don’t see why this film would appeal to so many. I think it’s because the hype told us to. A term I call ‘Media Made Me’ (MMM).

Sure it looks nice, but aren’t these shows supposed to be entertaining? This is far from Miyazaki’s best. In regards to the main character, I think there should have been better development. I could care less what happened to him. I’ve seen this six times (only because I could never stay awake though the whole show) and I still don’t know his name. The story is about the conflict between nature (animal forest gods) and Humans. The people are destroying the forest for industrial purposes, not much different than the threat we pose on nature today. It’s a nice message, don’t destroy nature, live in harmony with it, but it just didn’t pull me in. As much as you may be led to believe this, there is nothing special about Princess Mononoke. If you haven’t seen it, you haven’t missed much.

The Breakdown
Without the money and press hype behind Princess Mononoke, it would have been just another anime release…and that’s the truth.

Project A-Ko

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Old Skool!!! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Project A-ko. I’d never believe I would say this but 1986 was a looong time ago. That’s when A-ko was released theatrically in Japan. Although I think it was around ‘93 when I watched the video release in America. The first Anime video I remember watching, along with Fist of the Northstar. That being said, I’m happy that it was.

Originally a spoof of other popular Anime, Robotech, Fist of the Northstar, Captain Harlock, etc., it proved to gather a fan base of it’s own. The story begins as A-ko and her friend C-ko begin class together at the Graviton High School for girls. Fellow classmate, B-ko, takes an interest in C-ko and wants her for herself. A-ko is no different than any other 17 year old girl except for the fact that she has super human strength. C-ko is extremely ditzy and as clueless as Alicia Silverstone. B-ko is a genius, spoiled by her father. B-ko faces off with A-ko and uses everything from giant Mechs (robots) to exo-suits to win C-ko over. That’s not all! Outside of the school, a mysterious man known as ‘D’ spies on a certain someone for the captain of an oncoming alien mother ship. Who is this person? And what the heck does Superman have to do with this? I know, I know…it all sounds crazy doesn’t it? That’s because it is…crazy fun! If you you’ve got any background on Anime, Project A-ko is a timeless classic. It just proves that all anime doesn’t have to be thought provokingly deep to be entertaining.

The Breakdown
Sing it with me…A-ko, B-ko, C-ko, ‘D’…Enough Freakin Games. Here Is…………(Just Kidding) Lets Make New Opinions People, Quit Reacting Stupidly Tearing Up Very Wide Xeroxes You Zero. (What kinda crazy alphabet is this? Sure it doesn’t make sense but I had to try it.)

Please Teacher

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

This is wacky, funny and at the same time very entertaining. In case you don’t know what ‘ONEGAI’ means it means ‘Please,’ so the title of the anime is ‘Please Teacher.’ Don’t go off thinking anything perverted now! ^_^

The story of this is an alien came to Earth to research it. And she became a teacher known as the beautiful Kazami Mizuho sensei. The funny thing is, she gets in trouble and has to marry a high school kid to cover up so none of them gets kicked out of the school. You’ll be saying, uhh hello? A high school kid isn’t old enough to marry…But the thing is that the guy that she marries is Kusanagi Kei the main character.
He’s odd in a way, having his own disease that he calls ‘teitai’ which he passes out at times. And one day went in a coma for three years, so the high school Kei-kun is actually eighteen years old. Hence it makes perfect sense that he’s old enough to marry. This anime is really fun to watch!! I haven’t had any good dose of anime lately and this is a definitely worth checking out!!! If you’re into comedy, you’ll thank me ^_^ ‘Watch it now, Saiyo san ji ko yo’ [Top Priority]

The Breakdown
Animation, sound, and story are the things I enjoy most about Onetei. I can watch this series daily and still won’t get bored (Not that I haven’t tried J).
‘Ed: Oh no, not again…Alpha’s gone to watch that OneOneTeiTei thingy’

Outlaw Star

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Saymen nai de kasen nai de, Oh Hi guess you came here for an Outlaw Star review. Outlaw Star is a cool anime, Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking are partners and they have a business called “Starwind and Hawking.” They take jobs that involve fighting and good pay.

One day a women named Hilda asked them for bodyguard duty. A few scenes later Gene meets Melfina in a suitcase. (Later on Melfina will sometimes be addressed by the name “The Key”). A lot of things happen and then Gene and Jim got the Outlaw Star grappler ship. The main control is Gilliam II. This Grappler ship needs the help of Melfina in order to move. This series is full of surprises so try it if you have the time.

The Breakdown
The story is really entertaining, but for one view only. I haven’t watched Outlaw Star since I finished the series. (I only reviewed the Hot Springs episode). You can get Outlaw Star on 3 DVD collector box sets, available at your nearest retail store. It contains 8-9 episodes each. Costing around $40.00. That’s a reasonable deal for 8-9 episodes out of 26 episodes series!!!

Martial Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Nadesico - One of the best overall anime that I’ve seen, because it has Love, Mecha, Drama, Comedy and Action. This series is the series that started my anime craze. Enough with my anime life, here’s the review:

The Story is based on Mars, Earth and Jupiter. Akito Tenkawa (main character) is one of those whack type characters. He has 6 girls liking him, but he shows no reaction to it. Akito is a cook but he has the ability to control mecha’s because when he was a kid his father gave him a nano injection. Anyways Nergal developed the civilian battleship Nadesico in secret to fight against the Jovians. And they got the best staff picked out which includes Yurika (captain), Megumi (communications), Minato (helmswoman), Ruri (computers), and the best pilot of all, greatest character ever Mr. Gai Daigohji (Jiro Yamada). That’s about it, I don’t want to go too deep into the series or I’ll spoil it. Oh one more thing! You’ll be surprised when you get near the end of the series. Be prepared :)

The Breakdown
This movie will hurt in the replay value due to the outdated animation and lack of character development. However, this does set the stage for some truly memorable action to happen, and it is absolutely essential viewing for mecha fans. Recommended for its though-provoking storyline, realistic characters, and decent mech action, but fans of strictly 1990s non-serious anime might be a little hesitant to purchase this title.