Archive for January, 2006

Woman Powdering Her Neck (poem)

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

By hinatasou

Woman Powdering Her Neck
By Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)

Girl Powdering Her Neck
By Cathy Song (1983)

The light is the inside
sheen of an oyster shell,
sponged with talc and vapor,
moisture from a bath.

A pair of slippers
are placed outside
the rice-paper doors.
She kneels at a low table
in the room,
her legs folded beneath her
as she sits on a buckwheat pillow.

Her hair is black
with hints of red,
the color of seaweed
spread over rocks.

Morning begins the ritual
wheel of the body,
the application of translucent skins.
She practices pleasure:
the pressure of three fingertips
applying powder.
Fingerprints of pollen
some other hand will trace.

The peach-dyed kimono
patterned with maple leaves
drifting across the silk,
falls from right to left
in a diagonal, revealing
the nape of her neck
and the curve of a shoulder
like the slope of a hill
set deep in snow in a country
of huge white solemn birds.
Her face appears in the mirror,
a reflection in a winter pond,
rising to meet itself.

She dips a corner of her sleeve
like a brush into water
to wipe the mirror;
she is about to paint herself.
The eyes narrow
in a moment of self-scrutiny.
The mouth parts
as if desiring to disturb
the placid plum face;
break the symmetry of silence.
But the berry-stained lips,
stenciled into the mask of beauty,
do not speak.

Two chrysanthemums
touch in the middle of the lake
and drift apart.

A Samurai Instructs His Son

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

A Samurai Instructs His Son

By hinatasou

The following selection is by Hojo Shigetoki who is addressing his 18-year-old son in 1247 AD. Shigetoki had just been appointed to a key post in the shogunal administration:

The men under your command…must be carefully chosen for your service. Do not take ‘difficult’ fellows. If men under your orders, however loyal, are wanting in intelligence, you must not trust them with important duties, but rely upon experienced older men. If you are in doubt refer to me, Shigetoki.

In dealing with subordinates do not make an obvious distinction between good and bad. Use the same kind of language; give the same kind of treatment to all, and thus you will get the best out of the worst. But you yourself must not lose sight of the distinction between good character and bad character, between capable and incapable. You must be fair, but in practice you must not forget the difference between men who are useful and men who are not. Remember that the key to discipline is fair treatment in rewards and in punishments. But make allowance for minor misdeeds in young soldiers and others, if their conduct is usually good.

Do not be careless or negligent in the presence of subordinates, especially of older men. Thus do not spit or snuffle or lounge about on a chest with your legs dangling. This only gives the impression that you do not care for their good opinion. Preserve your dignity. If you behave rudely, they will tell their families and gossip will spread. You must treat all servants with proper consideration and generosity, not only your own people but also those of your parents and other superiors. If you don’t, they will scorn you and say to one another: ‘He thinks he is very important, but he doesn’t amount to much.’

Remember, however, that there are times when a commander must exercise his power of deciding questions of life or death. In those circumstances since human life is at stake you must give most careful thought to your action. Never kill or wound a man in anger, however great the provocation. Better get somebody else to administer the proper punishment. Decisions made in haste before your feelings are calm can only lead to remorse. Close your eyes and reflect carefully when you have a difficult decision to make.

When accusations are brought to you, always remember that there must be another side to the question. Do not merely indulge in anger. To give fair decision is the most important thing not only in commanding soldiers but also in governing a country.

History of Japan (prehistoric to modern)

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

History of Japan

By hinatasouJapan’s past can be divided into seven parts: prehistoric, protohistoric, ancient, medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary. All but contemporary Japan will be discussed.

Prehistoric (senshi)

Most of Japan’s earliest history is obtained from archaeological findings and from references in Chinese and Korean literature. Archaeologists divide prehistoric Japan into four major periods: Paleolithic preceramic period prior to 10,000BC; the Jomon period (10,000-300BC); with the introduction of ceramics the Yayoi period (300BC-300AD); and the Kofun period (300-710AD), the age of burial mounds and beginning political centralization.

The first inhabitants were Paleolithic hunter-gatherers who relied upon stone blades. About 13,000 years ago, sea levels began to rise. As Japan’s climate changed a new culture persisted called the Jomon (’cord marked’) named for their magnificent pottery. (The pottery also carried the cord mark, hence the name). Commonly thought of as hunter-gatherers, by 1000BC they were also cultivating the green-leaf shiso and rice, introduced by southern China.

By 300BC the Jomon culture was replaced by the Yayoi characterized by less lurid ceramics, bronze and iron tools and weapons, and the systematic development of wet-field rice agriculture. These contributed to increased stratification and the emergence of a hierarchy.

Near the end of the Yayoi period, clans were building mounded stone tombs for the burial of their chieftains.

Between 200BC and 500AD, waves of immigrants, including metal workers and artisans, from Korea and China arrived in Japan. In 405AD, a Korean scribe named Wani began to teach the Chinese script and becoming Japan’s earliest written language. However, all was not peaceful as invasions and raids broke out between Korea and Japan.

Protohistoric (genshi)

By the end of the 7th century, Japan society was restructured inspired by the Chinese centralized imperial administration. The Asuka period (593-710BC) marks the final phase of this transition. During this time the court of Empress Suiko was established with Prince Shotoku serving as her reagent. Shotoku labored extensively to elevate the power and prestige of the imperial linage. He developed a seventeen-article constitution. The Japanese court sponsored Buddhism; built temples, palaces, and capitals after Korean and Chinese models; began to write histories in Chinese characters; and laid out a Chinese style imperial state structure called the Ritsuryo system.

Ancient Period (kodai)

In 710 a new capital was established at Nara modeled after the Chinese Tang dynasty capital. During the Nara period (710-794AD), Buddhism and Confucianism were used to support political authority. In fact, the Japanese ruler claimed to rule by divine right. Centralized systems for taxation, census, and landholding were instituted as well as a road system. However, the imperial administration and the ‘equal field’ land holding system were showing signs of strain. In 784AD, Emperor Kammu tried to revive the Ritsuryo system moving the capital in 794AD to Heiankyo (Kyoto).

From 794-1185AD, the Heian Period, the imperial court became dominated by nobles of the Fujiwara family. The court had difficulty controlling private estates and maintaining control of the provinces. Warrior bands began to assume more power, first in the provinces, and then within the court when the Taira family seized power.

Medieval Period (chusei)

The Taira were overthrown in 1185 by warriors lead by Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of Japan, who established a military government called the Kamakura Shogunate (Bakufu). The shogunate assumed control of the administration of justice, imperial succession, and defense of the country against the Mongols. In 1333 a coalition by Emperor Go-Daigo overthrew the regime. After several decades of civil war, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu became the third shogun. Although Yoshimitsu won the support of provincial warriors, his successors did not. Beginning with the Onin War (1467-1477AD), the country slipped into a sporadic civil war known as the Warring States period in which local feudal lords ignored the shogunate and struggled with each other for control.

Early modern (kinsei)

[Anime reference: Samurai Deeper Kyo]

In the 16th century there was a gradual national reunification movement. In the Azuchi-Monoyama Period (1568-1600), Toyotomi Hideyoshi established military control over the country seeking to pacify Japan by confiscating swords and separating samurai from peasants. His death in 1598 left his heir vulnerable to the rival daimyo (feudal lord). Tokugawa Ieyasu after the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 assumed the title of shogun and established a powerful and enduring shogunate in Edo (Tokyo). This became known as the Edo Period (1600-1868). The Tokugawa Shogunate directly controlled Edo while the daimyo governed 250 subdomains. During this time Christianity was eradicated.

Modern (kindai)

The Tokugawa gave the country more than two centuries of peace and relative seclusion from the outside world. In 1853 Perry’s visit drew potential allies in Japan. Nobles were heavily in debt, unable to draw more income from agriculture, and were willing to embark upon foreign trade. Scholars were eager of learning Western science and medicine. There were patriots who were fearful that Japan was becoming defenseless against Western guns. Under these pressures, the shogunate in 1854 signed a commercial treaty with the United States and Europe.

The following years sowed the seeds of later resentment between Japan and the West. The first treaties provided that Japan maintain a low tariff that could not be changed without the foreign powers’ consent. Second was the idea of extraterritoriality. This meant that Europeans and Americans residing in Japan were not subject to Japanese law but remained under the jurisdiction of their homelands.

After 1854 a strong antiforeign reaction developed. Lords Satsuma, Choshu, and Tosa overthrew the shogunate in the Meiji Restoration of 1868, named after emperor Mutsuhito. They wanted to preserve, revitalize, and strengthen the country. The only way to save Japan would be to learn the secrets of Western power. Social, political, and economic institutions were reformed along Western lines. Feudalism was abolished. A national currency with decimal units was adopted as well as a national postal service and school system. Buddhism was discouraged, and monasteries were confiscated. In 1889 Japan adopted a constitution creating a two-chambered parliament.

[Anime reference: Rurouni Kenshin]

Industrial and financial modernization proceeded. In 1869 the first telegraph system connected Yokohama and Tokyo, and in 1872 the first railroad connected those two cities. Population rose to 46 million in 1902. The Taisho period (1912-1926AD) marked Japan’s acceptance as a major world power.

[Anime reference: Sakura Wars]

Things That Annoy Me To No End

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Things That Annoy Me To No End ——————————————–

By: Alpha

1) Urinals that people used and too lazy to flush. (The flusher is right there bum!)

2) Speaking about urinals, how about toilets that people just warmed up for you? (Man that is some disgusting shiznit)

3) People that tailgate me when I drive. (Dude I’m going to going slower the closer you get hah!)

4) People that cut in front of me because they wanted to drive that extra 1-2 MPH. (It isn’t like you’re going to get to your destination any faster than I am)

5) People that talk loudly in a quiet area. (Cell phones, music from the computer, which part of quiet don’t they get? ARGH!)

6) People that think I am mean, because I was born with that face. (No comment :p)

7) People that try to act someone they are not. (You’re not gangsta f00!)

8) Females with the potty mouths, males as well. (Can we not use that famous four letter F word and express ourselves intellectually?)

9) People that cannot type with their lives at stake. (ya noz wuts ima sayinz yo?)

10) When the Yankees get clobbered. (The pitching can stink badly sometimes.)



Main Idea of this Rant?! - THINGS THAT ANNOY ME (Yeah all caps annoy me too haha)


Closing Statement(s) - Man there are so many more things that annoy me, but I just cannot recall it in my mind right now :(. I will do a part two if they come back to me hehe. Hoped you enjoyed my stupid little article <3.

Submitting to Fan Service is NOT a Good Thing

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Submitting to Fan Service is NOT a Good Thing ——————————-

By: Alpha

Recently I was watching an anime series. It was a shounen / ecchi humor title. The series was good, although I would have liked a little more extension after the climax. Anyways it was an alright show. It was fun to watch. After the final episode was over, I went onto the OAV. This was when the disappointment started to rear its ugly head.

All of a sudden this show went from ecchi humor to hentai. The already established characters are now pornstars. What the hell? Why even bother making the TV series if everything was going to end with a hentai OAV? I mean, the difference between a hentai title and a normal title is that you find a way to connect with the characters of the normal title (although some of you will say otherwise). As for a hentai title, all you do is watch the action. It is 95% action and 5% story most of the time.

So then anyways, I continued watching, and when there is a normal respectable character who all of a sudden turns into Ron Jeremy; the expected reactions of the character are now out of whack. Here is an example: In the TV series the character I am speaking about was a wuss about girls, and doing the dirty with girls was just not in his repertoire. Now in the OAV, he is all macho about it? (O_o?).

Wow. Just freaken’ wow. It has finally come to my attention as to why most anime creators leave series as is, no matter the pressure from the fans. This experience of mine was just a bad case of when anime creators cared too much for the fans. If they wanted to make a sequel, just make it like it was, following the path of the original series. Do not go show a few sex scenes and call it an end. That is just stupid, brainless, crappy, dumb, and whatever synonym you want to throw at it.

Here is an outline as to why a normal series should not go hentai:

1) Established characters in the viewers’ minds, doing something uncharacteristic.

2) As much as you think you would like to see more from an ecchi humor title, believe me, you do not. It is that urge to want to see more that drives your interest!

3) No story, bad story, kills the story.

4) Fun (likable) characters are now crap characters.

5) Leave it to those doujinshi, save yourself (the creator’s) the embarrassment.

6) Closes out the possibility of a ‘real’ sequel. What will the series I am talking about do now? It had a very good chance of a second season with the ending of the first season. But now, the OAV made it a hentai and the characters already, got down and dirty. So I guess second season will have to be hentai as well, if it were to exist.

7) If we want hentai, we will go get a hentai title, no need to make this soft hybrid stuff.

These people have ruined my day. I started to really like the show too. And now I will always have this bad experience on the back of my mind while watching another ecchi humor. What is next? Love Hina, Ai Yori Aoshi, Vandread, Please Teacher or Mahoromatic in a hentai sequel? Oh God, please no.


Main Idea of this Rant?! - Why anime creators submitting to the fans’ is not always a good thing!


Closing Statement(s) - Well there you have it.   We as anime fans should know by now that, all good anime will always have bad endings.   This is not because the ending actually sucked, but because we feel attached to it, and we do not want to let go of the fun times that that particular anime has given us.   Hence, whatever ending we get, we never become satisfied.   Fans have to learn when to let go, and creators really have to know when to let go to avoid this disaster that I have experienced :(.

Fun Terms Used By Reviewers of Anime

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Terms Used By Reviewers of Anime ————————————-

By: Alpha

1) Fluff - Another word for a BS time filler in an anime.

2) Wack - A better word to use, than the traditional four letter word that begins with the letter S. Oh, do not forget to add the ‘ty’ at the end.

3) Interesting - Yeah sure, it caught my attention for 2 seconds only.

4) Amazing - To the point that I was sleeping.

5) Awesome - Another word for cool. Something being awesome means that something else in it is awful.

6) Killer - Double meaning. Could mean good or bad according to the use of it.

7) Good - Below average, had no better word to use, my vocabulary sucks.

8) Bad - Really below average, my vocabulary really sucks.

9) ‘Name a company’ within the review - Free advertising and ‘Wipe that unknown brown substance off your upper lip.’

10) Oppose fansubs within the review - Shut up! You are probably reviewing with some fansubbed material right now.

11) I don’t know… - Why are you even reviewing?   Idiot.



Main Idea of this Rant?! - Fun terms used by all anime reviewers!!!!


Closing Statement(s) - Haha, I am just kidding about everything.   The only actual terms and definition are “Fluff” and “Wack.”   As for all the others, I was just trying to have some fun, so take lightly of it.   I am sure that I have probably committed into using some of those terms listed above.   I wrote these terms to make fun of myself and no one else in particular.   ^_^;;.   Do not be offended if you use any of those things heh.

Random Thoughts Part. 3

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Random Thoughts Part. 3 ————————————-

By: Alpha

1) Those Dodge commercials on TV that go “Hit it!”   Uhh… I missed something.   What exactly do you hit?

2) The NFL is back, MLB is at its heights and NBA is on the horizon.   Got no time for anything else.   :P.

3) Being selected as the vice-president of your university’s anime club is cool.

4) Nextel text messaging is BS.   I receive messages from my girlfriend who has another provider the next day after I have sent my message.   WTF?   I pay $7.50 per month for unlimited crap like this?

5) If you have not seen Jackie Chan’s Thunderbolt, you are not a true fan of his.

6) Samurai Champloo is funny, cool and exciting!

7) Diamond Dust is quite interesting.   And no… I am not referring to any illegal drugs.

8) After watching Excel Saga for a few times, I noticed the comedy is pretty garbage.

9) The Get Backer’s manga distributed by TokyoPOP is a good read.   The anime should be even better ^_^.

10) Anyone care to donate me some DDR RAM, Hard drive, graphics card or any other computer upgrades, email me hehe :).

11) Do people still watch WWE?   The ending to No Mercy was stupid and corny.

12) Ever heard of that song “Goodies”?   The beat sounds like some junk beat that nobody wanted and trashed it, before the singer (do not know her name) picked it up and wrote a crap song with it.   That radio / satellite interference sound is so freakin’ annoying.   Argh!

13) Join me and the rest of the gang at the forums.   I am out.   Ja ne.



Main Idea of this Rant?! - Random thoughts from me!


Closing Statement(s) - Look forward to part four.   :)

A Tap With Ignorance

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

Quote: ‘OMG! Anime Clubs DO breed F****TS! GOD!!!! THEY’RE ALL FUCKING F****TS! F****TS TO NO END!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!’

The quote is just too funny for me to pass up. I mean just look at how this person typed out his comment. What is with the caps? It does not take much energy to move your little pinky finger to tap the caps lock off, just so that you do not sound so stupid when you made this statement. I have to agree though. As a member of an anime club, there are quite a few people in which I despise; know-it-alls and Japanese wannabes. There are times where I want to potato sack them, just so they can keep their mouth to themselves (Just kidding).

Anyways, there is no denying that anime clubs are the best ways anime fans can get together and share a common interest. For those who are fortunate to be in a well established anime club is truly a remarkable accomplishment, due to the fact that the United States was and I emphasized on WAS dominated by American animation. Japanese animation is taking over!

One of my online buddies brought up a very controversial topic to the Animesou forums; American animation versus Japanese animation (Anime). He posted a link to another forum where a bunch of Batman or just American animation fans in general lurk. In that particular forum, the topic being discussed was ‘Batman’ the new series. Funny enough, they start comparing another show, ‘Teen Titans’ to this new Batman. Okay, so what if Teen Titans is aimed towards kids? After all it is called “TEEN Titans” and women and children are the number one targets for business right?

Let us start with the anime bashing, first comment up is from an anonymous person, who said, ‘…but let’s face it. The animation (anime) itself is incredibly cheap, unlike any Batman cartoon.’ Take a look at these picture comparisons.

compared to

Look at ‘any Batman cartoon’ and compare it to the any anime. Does not that make whoever said that statement look like a complete idiot? In another comment made by the same person goes like this, ‘… at least most American cartoons feature characters who look like they’re speaking the dialogue rather than just opening and closing their mouths rapidly, or any other of those cheap sequences. I understand really really old animation being like that but for today’s standard, heck, for the 80s’ standards, it’s just pathetic. I’d go bonkers seeing Batman done that way. And I think it’s safe to say he won’t be.’

Sigh… maybe if you would stop watching crappy dubs from broadcasted television you would see that the lip movement and the dialogue are in sync for anime in Japanese. What the heck is the problem with mouths not syncing anyways? If you want them to sync, go watch a live movie. And what is this about anime being cheap? How is it that when something with as much detail as it does in every cel or scene be cheaper than something that almost has no details in the background whatsoever? Here see for yourself, here are two examples of those ‘any other cheap sequences this person was commenting about.’

Ok, it is not fair to use Macross Zero as “cheap sequence” examples. Here is something that is fairer.

So look at the difference. Jackie Chan Adventures which is created way after Urusei Yatsura and still Urusei Yatsura has better quality than Jackie Chan Adventures. Hmm…

I am not writing this to put down American animation or put up Japanese animation, I am merely defending my hobby from the inane comments from ignorant people. I just want to point out that if a person does not watch something in its pure form, how can they possibly make any intellectual comment on it? In this case, that particular Batman fan.

Enough with my opinion, here is what Stikz had to say about this issue (Note: This was a reply post taken from the Animesou forums), ‘Their remarks had no weight to them. They seem to have only seen anime on broadcast TV and have associated it with cartoons for kids, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Batman is a good cartoon but its cheap dark color scheme and decent animation can’t compare to anime at all. And for them to say that the animation of Jackie Chan adventures beats the heck out of anime is just plain insane. I’d like to know what anime they were referring to. I love Jackie Chan adventures but the backgrounds are basically forgotten and the animation is focused on more because of it, but better than most anime, it is not.’

Are you getting my drift? Show me a modern day American animation that looks better than a modern day Japanese animation, please.

Main Idea of this Rant?! - My two cents about the change in times.

Closing Statement(s) - I know backing up something you love is the point of being a fan, but do not force it into anyone who clearly has a separate view from yours. Do not go bashing anime just because you are in favor of American animation, vice versa. Am I American animation bashing? Nope.

Random Thoughts Part. 2

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Random Thoughts Part. 2 ————————————-

By: Alpha

1) For everybody’s information there was Pocky in the United States even before ADV started ‘licensing’ it for distribution.

2) Hey ADV if you are reading this, bring over the Calbee potato chips and Pocari Sweat sports drink and I will be your fan for life.

3) Just like the Oakland A’s have the big three, the anime industry has it too. ADV Films, Bandai Entertainment and Geneon, formerly known as Pioneer Animation.

4) Pioneer Animation sounds way better. Geneon sounds like some new Pokemon. Go Geneon I choose you!

5) I admire ADV Films, they know how to work it. From being a scrappy little distribution company in Texas to a distribution company the size of Texas. I tip my cap to you.

6) Is the rumor about Ayumi Hamasaki not writing her own lyrics still around? Well it is true, because artists always can buy lyrics for a reasonable amount of money. This I got from a friend who has a friend who sold lyrics to a singer in Hong Kong. Maybe that is why he forgot his lyrics when he got an award. Yeah sure Mark Lui I am sure you were so excited about the award that you forgot your ‘OWN’ lyrics.

7) Yeah I am angry these days. Maybe I am another Angry Asian Man.

8) Is anime the most expensive hobby or what? No wonder people download. If they do not, they would not be able to eat, be able to pay rent, nor be able to pay bills. Not that I am one of those people though.

9) Hey J Lo will Marc Anthony be your final pimp… I mean pit stop?

10) What is this pregnant rumor… probably not Marc’s child anyways.

11) Why do people vandalize other people’s property? I mean they would not like it if their property was ruined… would they?

12) Kyou Kara Ore Wa needs to get respect!

13) I guess there is no such thing as hoping a girl would not get it in a hentai, because no matter what, they all get it. I really hate that.

14) I have to thank Robyn Mukai of Urban Vision, Ivette Perez of Central Park Media and Rhona Medina formerly with Urban Vision, now with TokyoPOP, for being so kind to me, by helping out with the reviewing materials.

15) The big three needs to stop being snotty and learn from them. *hint-hint*

16) One Piece got licensed! Wow! I do not know jack about it. Yay.

17) Okay maybe I do, there is a crazy boy with pirates right?

18) Sony PSP, Nintendo DS. What next? Microsoft XL? (eXtra Large)

19) ADV trying to be RIAA? What are they trying to prove? If nobody can find a way to stop email spam, then nobody can find a way to stop file sharers. Cannot anybody comprehend that simple concept?

20) The NBA should have a new award. It shall be called the Floppy Award. Derek Fisher and Vlade Divac are the top two contenders.

21) Congratulations to Bernie Williams of the New York Yankees. He has hit his 2000th hit as a Yankee on June 10, 2004, joining a group of elite players of the franchise with names, such as, Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Don Mattingly, and Yogi Berra.

22) It is prom month, I hope everyone will have a blast at their prom and get home safe.

23) Hey fans, it is the final stretch from school. Give it your all and do not give up until you get that report card!


Main Idea of this Rant?! - Random thoughts from me!


Closing Statement(s) - Look forward to part three.   :)

Random Thoughts Part. 1

Sunday, January 29th, 2006


Random Thoughts Part. 1 ————————————-

By: Alpha

1) Old anime is better than new anime.

2) Smarty Jones lost the Belmont not because of his ability, but the jockey’s.

3) It is good that Manga was bought up. I have no idea what direction the previous minds of the company were heading.

4) This craze for Naruto has got to stop; it is getting annoying how everyone is recommending it when I cannot even buy it on DVD in the United States.

5) Hey did Inuyasha end yet? Last time I checked it was around eighty.

6) If only Saki was my personal Steel Angel *drools*.

7) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life sucks. What happened to the festivals?

8) The whole Anime industry needs some shocking news; nothing reported lately has gotten my attention.

9) Cartoon enthusiasts who hate on Anime… **** you.

10) If ADV Films can pick up the rights to publish Newtype, why has not anyone pick up the rights to publish Animage?

11) Oh wow, Bible Black actually has an interesting story.

12) But the She-males has got to go.

13) Note to who ever is responsible for this. Just do not waste my time and show a hentai if the good stuff will be boxed up. It kills my eyes.

14) I love Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh, one of the best comedies of this year.

15) I need to get some sun light, instead of staying in and watching anime all day.

16) Little twelve year olds are lethal these days, just the other day one of them wrote a hate mail to Max Kellerman and told him that he hoped that he caught SARS… And this was broadcasted over the country in his show I, Max.

17) Sigh… the car shop still has not finished fixing my car after three freaken weeks.   Now I have to get the other side fixed too.   I think I am going bankrupt soon.   Let us see, $600 for the F-150 the person was driving, $425 for fixing my car’s driver’s side and the bumper, with sand polishing and compounding.   And now $225 to fix the whole passenger side.   Yeah… I will never be able to get my performance modifications now.

18) Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien is predictable, but at the same time interesting, as the ending of episode one, latches on to you and will not let go.

19) Did you know that there is a fourth stage for Initial D?   It is about the team Redsuns leader created in the Third Stage and they go around racing other people.   Sounds cool.

20) A good ecchi humor to check out is none other than Steel Angel Kurumi!


Main Idea of this Rant?! - Random thoughts from me!


Closing Statement(s) - This well be a continuing feature, so look forward to part two.   :)