Archive for the 'Genre' Category

Pia Carrot 1

Saturday, January 21st, 2006


Yusuke Kinoshita, age 18, recently graduated from High School. Having lost a bet because his test scores were anything but great, Yusuke agrees to spend the entire summer vacation working at his father’s Pia Carrot resturant. What seems like endless hours wasted away washing dishes, shelving boxes, ringing up customers, and sprucing up the sidewalk and storage areas later turns out to become an experience Yusuke will never forget…

Pia Carrot is directed by Kan Fukumoto (La Blue Girl, Twin Angels, Venus 5, Words Worth). The name Pia Carrot translates to Go, Go! Waitress! In English. It is based on the PC hentai/dating simulation game developed by Cocktail Soft in 1996 and later ported to the Sega Saturn system by Cocktail Soft/Kindle Imagine Develop (KID) on March 12, 1998. The English DVD release dates back to November 23, 2001. The storyline follows Satomi’s ending, the hardest person to win over.

I am proud to announce’s first hentai review. First to answer what is a hentai. Hentai (pronounced hen-tie) in Japanese literally means sexually perverted. It has come to stand for Japanese animated pornography. It is said that hentai mangas account for a quarter of the total manga industry’s output. Hentai predominantly consists of animated females in extremely sexually explicit and unreal situations satisfying one’s own personal fantasy. There can be rape, and it doesn’t have to be by a human either. The act can be performed by an animal, demon, monster, even a Pokemon. Watching this kind of aggressive pornography is thought to relieve tension and sexual frustration. Of course, there are those who enjoy watching the absolute force and barbarity played out on the screen (Christina Kinney, The Emergence of Japanese Pornography into the United States., University of Florida, East Asian Lang. & Lit).

The Breakdown
The animated version of the PC game. It is just like playing the role of Yusuke, going through the dating sim game, and scoring points with each of the girls.

Pia Carrot 2

Saturday, January 21st, 2006


Koji Maeda is your typical high school student who is looking for a part time job over the summer. On his way to an interview, out of the blue, a girl jets past the corner and his bicycle collides with her. After getting the living snot beaten out of him and with his bike in shambles, Koji luckily manages to score a job at Pia Carrot. However, he learns that the same violent girl he bumped into earlier works as a waitress. No way can life get any easier for Koji!

The PC game to Pia Carrot 2 was released in Japan in 1997 followed by the SegaSaturn version in 1998 retailing for  ?7200 ($65.16). The anime is the sequel OVA series to Pia Carrot 1 but with a brand new cast (like how Onegai Twins is related to Onegai Sensei). Like Mizuho-sensei, Yusuke Kinoshita makes a guest appearance and is the owner of the 2nd Pia Carrot restaurant. You discover that he is soon getting married (to Satomi?), but the ceremony happens to be scheduled on the same day as Rumi’s (Yusuke’s sister’s) birthday. Rumi will be turning 16, and has matured from what was seen in the first game. Koji is able to date Rumi, but unfortunately she does not appear in the anime. The storyline of Pia Carrot 2 follows Hinomori Asuza-san’s ending, the hardest person to win over.

The Breakdown
Pia Carrot 2 has much of the same feel as Pia Carrot 1 where Koji is the one going around spending time with each of the girls. What makes it better than Pia Carrot 1 is that it is more amusing.

Lupin III - Voyage to Danger

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

After twenty years, Detective Zenigata has been taken off the Lupin case! With a new assignment and an aching heart, he seeks friendship in the one man he could never catch - Lupin the Third! When Lupin finds out about Zenigata’s new assignment to take down a weapons smuggling organization, he sees his opportunity to steal some extra income. But Lupin had better watch out; there is a new, more deadly, man on his trail now!

Lupin, as a character, almost never disappoints; this movie is a perfect example of how well he can be used. It is slightly different from more famous Lupin movies (i.e. Miyazaki’s ‘The Castle of Cagliostro’) in the fact that it is slightly darker and more serious then most of his other adventures. This is not a bad thing however, it simply brings a bit more realism into the Lupin world. There is not a single off the wall call chase that involves Mini Coopers (or some such Euro car) driving up flat mountainsides. Although it is a bit odd to see Lupin like this, I enjoyed it. The storyline (taking down a gang of weapons smugglers) would have been affected for the worse if this story was made too comical. If this is a preview of where Lupin is headed in the future, I approve!

The Breakdown
It isn’t exactly like every other Lupin movie, but that makes it a perfect introduction for those who say Lupin is too ‘kid-ish’.

Doggy Poo

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Everyone has a purpose… Once upon a time, a little doggy poo lived on the side of road. He felt all alone in the world. He believed that nobody needed him for anything, and that he had no purpose in life. If only Doggy Poo had a reason for being, then he wouldn’t give up on his dream to be useful to the world. One day, Doggy Poo meets a lovely dandelion sprout. Will she explain his purpose in life? Will she help him make his dream come true?

Wow. This one word can sum up Doggy Poo, which is a very good thing. Doggy Poo is aimed towards children, but the values in it certainly are not solely for kids. What do you think of when you hear Doggy Poo? A nasty piece of doo doo on the ground from a dog of course. This show is impressive, I love the way how the message they are sending is that everyone exists for a reason, even though if there are people who say otherwise. I know it is hard to fall in love with poo, but this poo is so cute!

In order to create Doggy Poo, a lot of hours of constructing the atmosphere were used. Using clay, plastic, and etc. to build models of what is to be the show. Although the show is not drawn, it moves fluid with the positioning of the clay in every synch. The lip movements are also matching to the words, so no dialogue would be spoken when the model’s lips are closed; this goes for both English and Korean dialogues. The new technology is amazing and, damn does Doggy Poo look beautiful. This is not some Teletubbies atmosphere we are talking about. The atmosphere of this show is astonishing to what a viewer would normally expect out of a clay modeled show.

Children are sure to love Doggy Poo, because it is cute. Parents should allow their children to watch this show, solely because of the ultimate message it delivers, some adults can use that message too. I am sure there are people who question their existence at times of their life, and Doggy Poo provides a positive look of the meaning of life; claiming that anything or anyone is meant for something no matter what. At the end when Poo becomes a flower, it shows that, even what is said to be ugly and dirty, can be beautiful in the end once they have achieve their seemingly uncertain goal as long as they do not give up on themselves. That, my friends, is a great positive message that creators should strive to acknowledge in their works. Not all anime has to be about killing, fighting or getting with a harem of hot girls. As long as something positive is delivered to the viewers through this medium we call anime, it will all be good. Of course, not only for anime fanatics, but also for various people of the globe, who are in need of something to guide them through their hard times.

The Breakdown
I got emotional… sigh…

Cyber City Vol. 2: The Decoy

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Goggles is a convict turned cop working off several terms of lifetime imprisonment. Obedience is ensured by the time bomb collared around his neck, but no one is sure of his loyalties. When an investigation of stolen body parts leads him to his ex-partner in crime, Goggles is faced with some stark choices. Will he risk death to return to the ruthless criminal life? Or will redemption finally catch up with him in a deathmatch with the military’s ultimate killing machine?

Cyber City: The Decoy is a strange anime; of course it is expected due to the fact that it was directed by one of my favorite directors, Yoshiaki Kawajiri. If you do not know who that is, he is the dude that brought you Ninja Scroll, and X: TV. Now that we got that straighten out, this is definitely not one of Kawakiri-san’s best works. The show is fast paced and continues to zip by until the credits roll.

Even though this show is running two hundred miles per hour, it still is able to leave you a good impression, now that is the crazy part. I mean, I was watching this show and did not even know what was going on for a good starting half of it. The only time I picked up Cyber City was when some guy’s fingers were sliced off by those metal strings that the woman in Audition (a Takashi Miike work) used to saw off the man’s foot (Ouch!), while he was unloading his sub machine gun.

Anyways the quick action was what really kept me in my seat. The story of the government using human body parts to construct powerful cyborgs to whack every criminal out there in the city is just wrong. In Cyber City criminals were used to hunt down criminals. That might sound weird, but if you were a criminal and you were caught, you either were in prison and who know what happens there or you join up with the Cyber Police force to stop crime. These criminal-cops were collared so they cannot run away or else they will end up with no head, which adds more to the fun right? Not. These cops were also timed by their group leader, if the elapsed time limit was over, boom, brains are splattered everywhere.

Cyber City is very interesting. Even though there seems to be no point, and no goal that the show is heading to, it still manages to pull you into continuing to watch it, which is what it all needs, because this show utilizes action more than story. This is a rare case, due to the fact that usually when a show has no attractive story, it does not grasp the fans’ minds, but because of the action that Cyber City possesses it wounds up being an impressive show.

The Breakdown
Fast paced, little story development and lots’ of body parts from dead bodies. Is not that cool?

Puni Puni Poemy

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

You don’t need to be crazy to watch this, but it sure helps. Beautiful Girls! Naughty Aliens! Dead Fish! When evil aliens kill Poemi Watanabe’s parents, she doesn’t get mad, she gets even… but first she moves in with the seven crazy Aasu sisters, discovers the magic power of dead fish, develops a serious crush on a local octopus, experiences the bizarre and varied wonders and joys of fighting terrorists, S&M, giant robots and becoming a super hero… all while pursuing her REAL ambition of becoming a professional voice actress! From the creators of Excel Saga, it’s the weirdest, wildest, rudest and out and out most demented anime ever made, Puni Puni Poemi!

Usually I find something to like about an ADV Films title, but in the case of Puni Puni Poemy. I began to think to myself, “What the hell?” Puni Puni Poemy is a direct example of a fan service galore gone wrong. Shinichi Watanabe is a great director, but other than the funny theme song, the show is just crap. You already saw everything in Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemy does not separate itself far from it. I know the director wanted to do something crazy, just as Excel Saga was, but comon, a woman with her breasts so large that she constantly has to hold it up with her own hands and play with them? I just do not think that is funny.

The show has a lot of ecchi in it. A little bit of S & M, a lot of boobs flying around and once in a while you get manhood joke. Boy, Alien 1 with his ball (Yeah, one ball), hanging from his area and Alien 2 with his two balls hanging from his area. That is some crazy stuff, and is more disgusting than entertaining. Please do not tell me that I have a weak stomach, because I do not. It is just that I am sick and tired of beat out old formulas. Were you ever told a joke that was funny the first time you heard it, but then after that you do not even react to it, other than a, “This joke is whack,” type reaction? That is exactly what Puni Puni Poemy is; it is nothing but a disappointment after the amount of hype it has received.

It was my habit to have my reviews stretch three paragraphs, but Puni Puni Poemy is just not worth it. It was not worth my money! I certainly am not hating on this show as I do appreciate some things that were in the show, find out below.

The Breakdown
I would have never imagine myself saying this, but after watching Puni Puni Poemy, I do not want my girlfriend to have big boobs. :) Just kidding Hunny!

Black Jack Vol. 1: Infection

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

In a world where the grim reaper can strike at any time, a renegade surgeon known only as Black Jack operates outside the law. For the rich and dying, he performs miracles of a macabre medical nature. Unafraid of mysteries that verge on the paranormal, Black Jack is the one man with the power to cheat death… for a terrible price!

Episode 1:
Lured to a cursed island, Black Jack is curious to see what sort of disease is worth a three million dollar fee. When he gets there, however, he discovers a century-old virus that causes the victim to suffer painful spasms as all the water drains from his body - leaving the victim dead from dehydration. But when a frightened mob decides to take matters into their own hands, it’ll take all of Black Jack’s skill to keep his patient alive.

Episode 2:
Fate brought Black Jack into the lives of four teenage girls when they most needed his help. Now, six months later, fate has reunited them. But this time, the prognosis is not good. Two of the girls have already died. One of the girls is alive, but mentally unstable. The last girl is lying on a hospital bed, but her chances are slim. Her only hope is immediate brain surgery. Black Jack must perform the complicated surgical procedure and discover what happened in his absence…

Black Jack is one of the surprise series of the year for me. Do not be fooled by the title, just because it sounds corny, Black Jack is nothing of that caliber. Although it sounds like and looks like another typical action flick, Black Jack is actually a series about the medical field. Now those of us who are not fans of doctors would not appreciate this as those who are. But I guarantee you will have a different outlook at doctors after you finish watching just volume one. I definitely had fun watching this show. Black Jack just has something about it that attracts the viewer. Maybe it is because I hardly see anything that relates to doctors, but that just adds originality to this great series.

One thing that I find strange is that Black Jack (the character) has the ability to fix up other people’s bodies, but not his own. He stitched up some girl’s face without a scar, but his own face looks so patched up. What is going on there dude? Each volume contains two episodes, which to me is not enough. Black Jack is like that drug addiction that the character in episode two had. When you are watching it your mind is unconscious of your surroundings and when you are not watching it you want to go back for extras.

Anyways, this title is a, what I would call a sleeper hit. There is not much hype about it, but damn it, this show is one of a kind and a good one at that. Black Jack is a strange anime. The little girl you see that is with Black Jack is not as little as her appearance hints, I find her being a character that lightens the show up at certain periods of times. Anime fans, go check this gem out now!

The Breakdown
Never have I been so interested in the medical field than after watching this show. I am looking forward to how the story will break out (get it? Infection hehe).

Yukikaze Vol. 1: Danger Zone

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Unbeknownst to the general population, an alien force opened an inter-dimensional gate in Antarctica over 30 years ago in an attempt to invade the Earth. The unified forces of Earth formed an elite military unit under command of the United Nations to combat the aliens and to push them back towards their own dimension. But the war still rages on.

Rei Fukai is an elite pilot of the Special Air Force (SAF) and designated pilot of the Yukikaze, an advanced fighter armed with a sentient computer control system. When fear of alien infiltration within the SAF spreads, the Yukikaze may be the only weapon humanity has to bring an end to this war.

Think of any Macross series before Zero, juice up the animation and you will get Yukikaze. The title sounds cool, but does it actually live up to its’ name? When I watched this I was already bored out of my mind so it was only natural for me to throw anything in the DVD player… anything. The attractive point of this show is that it looks good. The DVD cover looks cool, the planes look cool and of course the fighting scenes look cool. Other than those listed criteria the show is not much attractive. The story is about aliens invading Earth, by creating a warp hole to directly send their troops to attack Earth. The humans on the other hand have to battle back the aliens and try to stop them from invading permanently.

Yukikaze is a title that draws the viewer in closely as they are watching. Even if the viewer does not know anything about it, the show makes it so that the viewer will want to know more about it and soon enough, you will find yourself craving for more and more. Titles that feature air planes usually do not live up to my expectations, maybe it is because I expect a lot, but nonetheless, Yukikaze just does not have that deep impact I was looking forward to experience. Not that I am drawing a comparison here, but those of you who have seen Macross Zero should know how it feels watching that show. There is this excitement, this feeling where you want to get in one of those planes and fly it kind of feeling. Yukikaze does not provide that, it gives you the story and you, the viewer will just have to follow through with it.

Certainly this show is very enjoyable, especially the air craft designs, the animation and the battle scenes. Turn on your subwoofer to max and you will feel the engines of the planes roaring down the runway. Think that is not enough? The missile explosions are all deafening, so do turn up those subs with caution. I do not know what happens later on as volume two is not released yet, but this show right now is good as is. There is not a stupid love relationship going on within the story to mess up things. Do not get me wrong, I like anime series that incorporate love relationships, but Yukikaze just does not flow right with one. The lead character, Rei Fukai is way too freaky to be in one :).

The Breakdown
It is unfair to compare two different titles, but I have to say that Yukikaze is inferior when compared to Macross Zero; another air planes title.

Wind of Ebenbourg

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

WARNING!!! THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS REVIEW IS NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!! Claude is a scholar aspiring to traveling the world as a great merchant. Sofie Delmotte beckons him to return to Ebenbourg, where his late father dwelled until his death. She explains to his amazement that Claude is to be the new Lord of Ronsard, a town in the Grand Duchy of Ebenbourg. Will he be able to revive Ronsard and bring a new wind to Ebenbourg?

Wind of Ebenbourg, also called Ebenbourg no Kaze, is based on the PC hentai game by Studio e-go released in Japan on July 26, 2002. You might find it misspelled online as Edenbourg for example at, an anime retail company located in Belgium and at Studio e-go is famous for the PC titles Twin Way, Gakupara, Minute Work (or Men at Work), Natsu Kagura, and Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (a monster breeding game), the last was also available for the Dream Cast. Gamefaqs classified them as adventure games but they also fall under the role playing category and dating simulation. The game homepage for Wind of Ebenbourg can be found at

The main website is located at where you can find tons of pictures, game information, opening songs to download, opening game animation and previews, actual game demos, wallpapers, screen savers (cute birds!), and desktop icons.

The Breakdown
Dedicated to that special someone you made a promise of marrying when you were only children.

Black Jack Vol. 2: Seizure

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Episode 3:
Two victims thrash in agony, scarred by the war of nations. Once again, renegade doctor Black Jack is caught in the crossfire. With Death breathing down his neck, he braves bullets and deadly biohazards to save the afflicted. Will the detective doctor prevail once more? Or will he pay the ultimate price for his mercenary ways?

Episode 4:
An infamous actress is suddenly stricken gravely ill. While she’s visibly undernourished and weak, she doesn’t seem to be able to eat. He has run every conceivable test, yet nothing appears to be wrong with her. Unable to hold her food down, the young star has become desperate. Considering suicide to end her torment, she has found a special doctor to help her die. Black Jack must race against time to save her - his only lead: the girl’s past and a deadly secret from World War I. It is a perplexing question of faith when Black Jack is hired to keep her from dying.

In this volume of Black Jack, we are the spectators of a war that for some odd reason resembles what is going on in Iraq. In the show the United States is referred to as Federal Unites and Iraq is the Ortega Republic. Anyways, politics is not my specialty and certainly is not the goal of this episode, so here we go, let us start the review.

The show starts off with a beautiful woman seeking medical help from Black Jack for another person. This person later on turns out to be her father and the ruler that the Federal Unites imprisoned (sound familiar?). The situation turns bad as the army of the Ortega Republic ambushes the prisoner transport and retrieves their leader back. It is a full proof plan until, his health catches up to him. I know Black Jack is not real, but it is real enough that he cannot cure everyone, of course this was displayed in the first volume already too. The episode soon turns into a battle field rather than settling for the emergency room atmosphere that we all expected. From needles and scalpers we go to guns and bullets. It no longer is about the health of a man, rather it becomes the strength of a dying person trying to deliver a last sense of morale for his citizens to build upon. This is some top notch stuff, I surely enjoyed it tremendously.

In the next episode, a lot of males might like it. It is about a female actress, who simply wanted to act. But when financial problems strikes her, she is forced to model for a porn magazine. Then it began… one porn movie after another. It was the only movies she was getting cast in. Until she becomes ill with an unknown sickness that causes her to throw up everything she eats. With a noticeable frail body, she requests our good doctor, Black Jack to help. I will stop here with the spoilers; it gets good throughout the show, so you might want to tune in yourself.

Black Jack is just great. It is not one dimensional. It is not solely about patching up people. There are small messages generated through it that if given the enough thought to it, it might latch on to you. Since minds are different, what I make out from what I saw, is sure to be different from yours so see what you come up with and make sense out of it. It is actually quite fun to put your mind to work after watching an anime, you not only understand better, but will like it better too.

The Breakdown
Addictive and fun! What more do you need?