Archive for the 'Genre' Category

Ghost in the Shell: Special Edition

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

In a world caught in the grip of information overload, where artificial intelligence is more than the real thing and cyborg cops spend their lives surfing on an electronic sea of living data, only the Ghost - the indefinable element of human consciousness - exists to determine who is alive and who is purely a creation of the net.

Major Motoko Kusanagi is an elite officer in the Section 9 security force: a cybernetic agent so heavily modified that little more than her Ghost remains. Along with fellow cyborg Batou and the mostly human Togusa, Kusanagi is set on the trail of a computer-criminal known as the Puppet Master, a data thief skilled enough to hack into the very minds of his victims. His human marionettes live out existences that are nothing more than computer generated fantasy, unwittingly committing their master’s crimes while the Ghost-hacker hides in the darkness.

But as Kusanagi digs deeper into the walls of secrecy surrounding the case, it appears that the Puppet Master has a special interest in her alone. And when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the shadowy Section 6, enter the scene, Kusanagi becomes tangled in a web of plot and counterplot, and realizes that the true identity of her invisible assailant lies at the center of a vast and lethal political conspiracy…

Ah, Ghost in the Shell. It brings back good memories. For me anyway. I think by now anyone who knows anything about anime has at least heard of this movie. Considered the ’90’s Akira’ because of its similar style and the fact that it further brought anime into the American mainstream consciousness (much like Akira before it), Ghost in the Shell has gotten a reputation as being either the most deep, philosophically profound anime film of its time, or as those who hate it say, a very superficial, plodding, dull and boring film with little substance and a lot of ego. I’m of the first group who believes this film rocks on many levels.

It’s hard to actually decribe Ghost in the Shell on paper. It was originally a manga done by Shirow Masamune (Appleseed, Black Magic, Dominion Tank Police) which was then taken and adapted into this anime film by Mamoru Oshii, who should ring a bell with everyone. He was the mastermind behind films such as Jin-Roh, Angel’s Egg, and the first two Patlabor films, as well as series such as the Patlabor OVA and Urusei Yatsura. I’m a big fan of Jin-Roh, and I absolutely love his directing style, even if it tends to be a bit obtuse, verbose, and over-done in the psychological-philosophical department. While he’s very talented technically, Oshii has yet to learn how to show more than tell. But, unlike it’s sequel, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, where Oshii goes overboard on the quoting and philosophizing, this film doesn’t do too much talking, and is instead all about the visuals.

And what visuals they are. Even though it was made all the way back in 1995, the film still looks astounding, even today. And now with the special edition DVD out, it couldn’t look much better. The mesh between 2D cel animation and up-and-coming CG is very convincing, and the beautiful panning shots Oshii does of the city and skyline are breathtaking. It has aged a bit, but not nearly as much as a movie from 1995 should have.

What also bears mentioning is the great, if sparsely used, music. Kenji Kawai (Patlabor, Ranma 1/2, Gunparade March) uses a lot of Noh and choral chanting and ethereal instrumentals as ambiance (a lot like Akira, actually, except not as loud and bombastic). It works along with the somber, indifferent tone and mood the film establishes, rather than calling attention to itself. It’s extremely well-done and very solid, but, like I said, it’s used sparingly, unfortunately.

As for the actual story and plot? My synopsis (long in and of itself) at the top of the page will have to do. Beyond not wanting to ruin anything, it’s just very hard to explain the politics-heavy, thematically deep story that Ghost in the Shell is. I’d only confuse you more by trying to explain it to you. So trust me when I say it’ll probably take you more than one viewing to understand everything that’s going on.

The Breakdown
For those who are fans of this genre, this is a must buy. There are reasons why The Matrix films borrowed so much from this movie. There are reasons why it’s quality and underlying story are so hotly debated. There’s a reason people simply love it or hate it. I recommend everyone watch this film, if not outright buy it. Everyone should have this film in their collection.

Samurai Champloo Vol. 2

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Mugen, Jin, and Fuu continue their journey across Japan searching for the man who ’smells of sunflowers.’ Unfortunately, they travel broke and hungry, and continue to try and solve these two problems at every turn. If they aren’t trying to earn money and get food, it’s being stolen off of them.

As you can tell by my synopsis, not much actually happens in Champloo Vol. 2. But, if you need a recommendation on whether to see this show or not, go read my Vol. 1 review. For those who were on the fence after seeing Vol. 1, continue reading. Vol. 2 continues Vol. 1’s style over substance, which I’m still enjoying quite a bit. If things keep going like this into the middle of Vol. 4 though, I’m going to become quite annoyed.

It’s not that Champloo’s episodes aren’t enjoyable, because they are. My review of Vol. 1 is a testament to that. But these filler episodes (with the same premise each time) is getting boring, despite very cool inventiveness and references in each episode. I can’t keep going on just like this for more than 3.5 volumes (like in any show that doesn’t change), or I’m going to get tired of it. The music and animation are of consistent quality, so if you liked that stuff in Vol. 1, you’ll like it here.

What makes these such enjoyable episodes are the hilarious inside jokes that go on in each. For example, episode 5’s joke is that an Ukiyo-e painter gets one of his paintings into the background of a Van Gogh. Episode 6’s is that a foreign man and his platoon are from Holland. Funny thing is, he’s a big  homosexual man and his platoon wear pots on their heads (potheads, because they are from Holland, get it?) and wear clogs for shoes (ahhh…stereotypes). And episode 8 has a funky beatboxer. It’s freakin’ awesome.

Another plus are the character interactions. Seeing Jin, Fuu, and Mugen obtain food and money through their own methods are great, and seeing them try and work together always creates a good laugh. I just know though I’m going to get bored if this keeps up.

The Breakdown
The show is starting to slow down, and I’m still enjoying it, let’s just hope everything picks up by the end of Vol. 3.

Gantz Vol. 3: Aftershocks

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

The first game is over, but will the horrors committed be forever burned into the souls of those who remain? As new shocking developments rip the survivors’ ‘real’ worlds to shreds, the sins of the flesh grow and spread like cancer, festering until the line between good and evil ceases to exist. In a world where the laws of life and death have been overturned, what other forbidden passions remain?

And the award for the most perverted anime character of the year goes to… Kei Kurono. With the quick paced plot brewing we pause to learn something rather interesting. In the world of Gantz, that is, when you ‘die,’ you are sent to the apartment. Yeah, we all know that already, right? But what happens when you are not quite dead? What happens when your original just happens to be saved from the light, while a copy of you continues on living within the Gantz? That is the case in volume three. Kei Kishimoto discovers that her original is alive and kicking, which then brings us to the unlucky and lucky day of Kei Kurono.

His day commenced with some drama; bullies demanding ‘protection’ money from him. During the process, you can see just how much of a coward he really is, not to mention, pervert as well. In the process of getting his ass kicked, all his mind focused on what how stacked Kei Kishimoto is. As he was in his day dream his tight suit harden and gave him the power to take care of the bully. Now, the lucky part starts. Who do you think he finds sitting in front of his apartment door? That is right, the adorable, Kei Kishimoto. (Man, I am just going to address her as Ms. Melons from now on :P). The confused Ms. Melons asked to be Kurono’s ‘pet,’ and heheh, dig your mond out of the gutter. Although a bunch of interesting sequences occur, us Ms. Melon fans get what we want! (No, nothing hentai rated, so do not get your hopes up).

Okay let us keep off the ecchi for a moment, and focus on the story development of this volume, which is not much really. This volume is more like everything you would expect before Gantz. The characters went on with their regular lifestyles, except Ms. Melons, who has a little twist, as mentioned before. The next volume will be where the action is. I cannot wait for it. Although volume three was good, it is a step back from volume one and two. Hopefully, volume four will pick it back up to where Gantz should be.

The Breakdown
In volume three, we learn a bit more about the three main characters. All three of them have their own problems to deal with and by bringing the issue to the viewer’s attention, allows us to connect to them a little more than we usually would. Overall, volume three is quite good. You will enjoy it, I can guarantee it.

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Vol. 1: Full Metal Pandemonium!

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Kaname and Sousuke are back in action! And this time, the battleground is the school ground! High-yield explosives and hilarity come together with a bang as the somber soldier and his unwitting target brave everything from lovesick “terrorists” to an unforgiving teacher who is bent on revenge. But as good as he is with guns, Sousuke is one clueless commando when it comes to girls – especially Kaname! Don’t miss the hilarious antics of everyone’s favorite military manic – and Jin High’s most fiery female – as the full-throttle action begins!

Roll out the Dave Chappelle’s “Wrap-it-up” box because it is over. This has to be the best comedy of the year, hands down, no doubts about it. Just watching this show got me on the floor dying from laughter (if that can really happen). Man, this series is fun and very amusing. There is just no better way to put it. For those who do not know, Fumoffu is a different approach to what you would expect from Full Metal Panic. It emphasizes on pure laughs and fun filled scenes from beginning to end, episode to episode. And that is where I have to give out props. It is a flawless transition from all that fighting to the normal days of life for a high school student. You would not even stop to question yourself if you are really watching “Full Metal Panic,” because it does not matter. What matters are the pains you will be developing in your stomach from all that laughing you will be doing upon coming into close contact with Fumoffu.

Now where do we start? I mean, we all have been longing for a sequel to Full Metal Panic and although it is not quite like the original, I will still take it. Oh and by the way, the second season of Full Metal Panic should be airing on Japanese television soon. It will be a while before it gets to the United States, but I can wait, there are so much more anime that I need to watch and review. ARGH! Okay, back to Fumoffu. I just cannot stop boasting about the joy that I get from this series. It is wonderful, fantastic, awesome, amazing, and etc. You get the idea.

The show maintains a consistency through out the first volume. The episodes are well planned. And depending on what kind of anime fan you are. This is probably the best anime money can buy now, because you are guaranteed to get what you paid for; a bunch of laughs, and a thrill of a life time to experience something so damn good. Come release date, I can just see copies of this show flying off the shelves. :)

The Breakdown
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu leaves me speechless. The humor was one of the best that I have seen lately. I definitely suggest you look out for the release of this title. If you miss it… do not worry, Bonta-kun will get you. Fo’ sho’.

Salaryman Kintaro Vol. 1

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Salaryman Kintaro Part 1 deals with former biker gang leader, Kintaro joining the Yamato Construction Corporation and introduces the characters as well as looking back to his days of leaving a biker gang. It also shows him beginning to be accepted as a gang leader within the corporation despite his unorthodox methods and takes time to suggest romantic involvements.

Salaryman Kintaro has a feel of Great Teacher Onizuka. It is laid out so well. I liked the continuous growth that this show contains. Yajima Kintaro, a biker gang leader decides to go clean after he marries his wife. But things were not all that bright when she dies after giving birth you their son, Ryuta. Kintaro, whom is a righteous person, keeps his promise to his wife and at the same time lives up to his dream to be a white collar salaryman. Right off the bat, we get to see what Kintaro is all about; assisting others while not caring for what happens to himself.

The GTO comparison draws near as you watch Salaryman Kintaro. It is a hyping experience. Kind of like how Ray Lewis gets his team all ready to play on Sundays. I mean, this series gets you to a point where you wish you were as cool as Kintaro. The comedy in this show is great. The atmosphere is very clear. The moment you watch it you know you are in for some good anime.

The thing about Salaryman Kintaro is that it is a smooth transition from your eyes to your mind. It is like one of those things that you get familiar with as soon as you come in contact with it. The story is very attractive. If you are a fan of GTO, then this is as close to that genre as it gets. Ex-biker gang leader, goes straight and tries to make a difference around his surroundings. Man, I am impressed with this anime and will continue to look forward to it. You should definitely too!

The Breakdown
Most fans who see this title would probably just continue to look on. But that is the biggest mistake anyone can commit. Salaryman Kintaro is very entertaining. Two thumbs up!

Gilgamesh Vol. 1: Orphans of the Apocalypse

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Enter the world of Gilgamesh. Where the sky has been turned into a psychedelic mirror and civilization is only a shadow of its former self. Where beautiful assassins transform into terrifying winged creatures. Where children are born with amazing powers. And where a brother and sister are hunted by organizations with dark agendas. Gorgeous animation, breakthrough character designs, and stunning visuals make this suspenseful, addictive tale of mystery, magic, and espionage the first gothic anime masterpiece of the new millennium.

Gilgamesh. This title here resembles both X and Hellsing. The character designs are definitely like Hellsing, whereas the story is more like X. The show for the first two episodes moves extremely slow. I could not stand it heh. What I got out of the episodes that I have view is that after a terrorist attack, the Earth no longer has a sky; it is replaced by a constant mirror like barrier. Also as a result of the attack, computers died like what was anticipated to happen with “Y2K.” With the various issues that were developed by the attack the world took a significant change towards to exactly what the subtitle of this volume suggests; Apocalypse.

Gilgamesh did not impress me, there was not a scene or a string of scenes that make me say, “Wow,” or “This is going to be something special.” As I was watching it, I was more towards saying, “Hurry up,” or “When is it going to be over?” :). The synopsis suggests that Gilgamesh is a gothic anime and that is as advertised people. This dark theme anime with Gackt wannabe characters has some potential, but I would not recommend it, unless you are a fan of titles that feature vampire like monsters, a constant night background. That is right; I do not think I saw one scene with any sunlight… maybe at the beginning before the terrorist attack.

The plot revolves around a pair of siblings. Whose purpose has yet to be revealed. Although I can assume that they will somehow give this show many twists. After I finished watching Gilgamesh, I began to read the introduction to the series included with the screener and after that, I understood the anime much more. But still, with only two episodes seen so far, I cannot make a full assessment of this show. As it lies now, I believe it is a disappointment.

The Breakdown
Gilgamesh is an anime that makes you choose sides as you go. You might side with one group now, but another group later. That sounds like X, but X started out better. Gilgamesh did not make an impact on me, and that is just too bad :(.

Green Green Erolution

Saturday, January 21st, 2006


A half-year has passed, and it has been decided that Kanenone academy will be a co-ed high school next academic year. Winter has ended and spring is on its way. Midori’s energetic presence can still be felt in the hearts of Yuusuke and Futaba-chan…

Green Green Erolution continues where the 12 episode Green Green TV series left off. Futaba is eager to see her boyfriend Yuusuke but neither of them has yet to confess that they love one another. Wakaba and Sanae tag along to reminisce their past experiences with Chigusa-sensei supervising. Unlike the TV series, Erolution or episode 13 is a 30-minute hentai.

The official Japanese site can be found at where you’ll find a 24 MB trailer, scrollable thumbnails, and the 1MB ending theme song.

The Breakdown
The hilarious conclusion to the Green Green TV series.



Green Green

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

The story of Romeo and Juliet is well known, a man and woman who fell in love from a time distant. But in those days their love was forbidden. Fate was against them as both ended their lives in suicide. Yuusuke and Midori, a similar couple, promised that they would be reborn again, reunite with each other, get married, and live happily ever after. Can one’s destiny truly be changed?

Green Green (or Guri Guri for short) is based off of the first out of the total three PC dating simulation H-games developed by Groover and released in October 2001. The high school Kanenone translates to Sound of Bell. Yuusuke is able to date the five girls: Midori, Chigusa-sensei, Futaba, Wakaba, and Sanae. Why did the developers decide to name the game/series Green Green in the first place? The main heroine Midori means green in Japanese and she does have green eyes. The girl’s school uniforms feature a green skirt and tie. The color green is associated with nature, leaves, scenery, and lushness. In english, green also describes youth, immaturity, and inexperience. These themes are apparent as the boys attempt to cast off their bonds and become adults during this monthly encounter with the girls.

The CORRECT Japanese website can be found at (ANN never got around to updating the page location). There you’ll find episode summaries coupled with screenshots, character profiles, cast list, DVD and CD covers, and other links.

The Breakdown
Just for fun, the real life Kanenone girls!

Black Jack Vol. 7: Biohazard

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Poisoned by toxic waste, a young woman begins to deform… or transform. Black Jack operates and discovers that she might be evolving fishlike properties. Is his patient transforming into a mermaid?

Short and sweet, that is what Black Jack has been through out. The synopsis of the DVD just shows exactly what this title is; No essay long bullcrap, just watch and appreciate. And appreciate I will. In this volume, a city is infected with a disease due to the pollution of the water by greedy corporations that only care about the money and not of the safety of the public. Black Jack comes in to help a group of doctors after being asked to join in the discussions and become a member of the group with a focus of finding an end to the disease that has aroused due to the pollution of the water.

In this city, haunted by a love story between a mermaid and a human, comes a mysterious girl whom has no parents, relatives and worst of all, no recollection of her past. So how does Black Jack continue to help her? Her inability to obtain a medical card to treat her disease was because she cannot provide the people with the information required to get one. And so, out of kindness, Black Jack treats the girl even though he is not going to get paid for it.

In this volume of Black Jack, the ending seems kind of awkward in that it feels like the door is left wide open. There really is not a closing to the chapter and it just ended like there was nothing more to it. Strange, but still enjoyable as Black Jack continues to lure viewers into his mysterious medical world!

The Breakdown
I am running out of things to say about Black Jack in a hurry laugh out loud ahahaha.

The Five Star Stories

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Among the five star systems known as the Joker Systems, there are many kingdoms, each under the protection of valiant knights that control massive robots called Headliners. Bound to the knights are fatimas. Human in appearance and mind, the fatimas possess expanded physical capabilities and make it possible to control a Headliner. The  Five Star Stories follows the ascension of two such fatimas - Clotho and Lachesis, the latest and greatest creations of famous fatima designer, Dr. Ballache - each on the verge of their ceremonial unveiling to the world of the God of Light, Amaterasu, and his Mirage Knights.

Well, this is an interesting little nugget of a film. An anime adaptation of a very very long running manga series by Mamoru Nagano (currently unavailable in the US), The Five Star Stories is a 70 minute long adaption of the first volume (or volumes, I’m not sure how much has been covered in these 70 minutes, though I’m told it adapts the manga to a tee, so I imagine they didn’t animate too much of the manga). What’s presented here is a small tidbit of what one could expect from a much larger story. It’s a very cohesive tale, but doesn’t go anywhere. When it wraps up, the board has been set for, say, a long TV series or something similar. But instead, it just ends, and there’s no animated sequel of any kind. Think of this as a pilot to a television series, or a long commercial to goad us into buying the manga (it worked, I want it). Unfortunately, this was made back in 1989, so I think it’s doubtful to expect some sort of continuation of the story.

Which is a real shame, since what’s presented here is really interesting. It introduces us into this whole new world (the Joker Galaxy), which has it’s own rules, solar systems, machines, politics, etc etc. They properly and slowly introduce all of this, and I liked what I saw. The only problem is, it ends too quickly, as I said earlier. This could have been really great, and it’s no wonder the manga is so popular.

There’s not much more I can elaborate on. The story (even in this short OVA), is very detailed, and to try and explain it would only confuse you. I do recommend people check it out, only if to see a nice, old-school anime done right, at the peak of the 80’s anime industry before the anime bubble burst.

The Breakdown
I’m really glad I was able to see this after all the controversy of it having been lost from existence. I had heard the premise of the manga story and ever since couldn’t wait to see the short anime adaptation (since the manga isn’t available here). I was lucky enough that ADV did license and release it, and I’m pleased to say I wasn’t dissapointed. I only wish someone would license the manga and bring that over to the US as well, because I want to know where this story heads. I hope people give this a shot, more of this needs to come over here and be licensed, but that’ll only happen if releases such as this sell well.