Dejected and defeated, Otaru departs for Japoness. Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry remain in Xian, returning to their new lives there. But they find themselves constantly reminded that they are only Marionettes, nothing more than machines. A broken-hearted Lime agrees to the evil Dr. Hesse’s proposal to make her human. Cherry and Bloodberry try to change her mind, but it’s too late, and now Hesse has the information he needs that will let him destroy the Earth. As his space ship takes off, they manage to sneak aboard. Even though they realize they probably won’t be coming back, they have to stop him. It’s an ending you won’t believe!
Saber Marionette J to X to me was not as entertaining as the original series. There were times where I disliked the way some episodes progressed. Nonetheless as a follower of Saber Marionette J, I continued to collect this series. Anyways, in this final volume, Otaru leaves his beloved marionettes, because he believes that the people in Xian need them more than him. Otaru, not realizing the true feelings of Lime and the others makes a big mistake, as the gullible Lime believes that Dr. Hesse is actually capable of making her human. Otaru who was taking the railroad back to Japoness was later on stopped by Faust. After some dialogue, Dr. Hesse shows up along with Lime and the story starts to come to a close by there.
So how was the overall series? I liked the beginning when Otaru, Lime and the others was in Japoness, than when they made their trip to Xian. Why? Well, because that is when all the trouble starts. In the beginning of their arrival at Xian, it was okay, the comedy was there, but then as the story progressed it was more of a sad, emotional show than what I thought Saber Marionette J supposedly is; an action comedy.
The ending is way too unbelievable. I do not know if I should be happy or not. If you are a fan of Saber Marionette J, like I am, I will say you probably would be disappointed by the ending of the whole Saber Marionette J series. Sure, the girls (notice I say girls not marionettes :P) look adorable in the end, but I believe it is not an ending that fans would like to see.
The Breakdown
Saber Marionette J to X has its’ high and lows, at times you would laugh out loud, at times you would feel sad. But towards the end, the show was mainly sad and serious. Which made it not as entertaining as it could be.