Ground Defense Force Mao-Chan
Saturday, January 21st, 2006Synopsis
Ground Defense Force Mao-chan is set in modern Japan during a time of alien invasion. The three Japanese military forces, the Ground Force, the Air Force and the Sea Force are responsible for protecting Japan from these invaders, but there is a problem. They cannot fight back with their existing forces because the aliens are… too cute. Public support for their defensive actions would plummet if the citizens saw a bunch of heavily armed soldiers attacking the cute aliens, and that’s where the main characters come into play.
What better way to attack cute aliens than with cute soldiers? Certainly seeing an eight year old girl hitting a stuffed animal with a baton is not nearly as offensive as a soldier with a pistol. Mao-chan is the granddaughter of the general of the Defense Force. The general eagerly outfits her with the latest defensive technology, and happily shows off his cute granddaughter for all the world to see. Soon, the generals of the Air Force and Sea Force also employ their granddaughters, and so the team of Japan’s defenders has been formed. Three grade-schoolers.
Ground Defense Force Mao-Chan is a very cute series with a youthful sense of humor. The main characters are as cute as can be, as are the aliens they must defend against. The episodes are quite short, only twelve minutes long, and each contain one alien falling to earth in a parachuting toy capsule only to be confronted and defeated by the three girls.
The animation is very good, as it would be expected from the makers of Love Hina, and the characters are well drawn and memorable. Their voice actors are also quite talented, though I found the three main character’s voices a bit too similar, and when they were off screen, it was hard to tell which one was talking. The piano music was also quite nice, but used way too often. Especially during the rediculously long transformation sequences in which the girls basically change their outfits. After a few episodes, that particular piano piece becomes quite annoying, not to mention the tranformation sequence itself.
The Breakdown
Looking past the minor flaws, there is a lot to enjoy about Ground Defense Force Mao-Chan, especially if you are able to get past the fact that it is a kid’s show. Those looking for another Love Hina will be sorely disapointed. There is no violence, there is no ecchi content, and everything is so sugarcoated that certain audiences will not be able to take it. It was definitely designed for the kawaii at heart, and if that describes you, don’t miss out on Ground Defense Force Mao-Chan.