Archive for the 'Site' Category

Site Update: New Watcher!

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Yes, we got a new Watcher. Behold, Edition 17: Karas, the big release from Manga Entertainment coming to a store near you on April 25th, 2006. Look forward to it, because it will certainly grab your attention. I will have a review of Karas along with some other anime titles within the week. Please check back! :). On another note, I have added a vote poll that will determine how dedicated to anime you really are, “What would you give up for anime?” and a free banner for Samurai 7 on IFC to help promote the awesome series on TV. I’m showing my support, you should too ^_^.

Daylight Savings Reminder

Saturday, April 1st, 2006

Just when you thought you survived the antics of April Fools Day, April 2nd is the day we all lose an hour of sleep. Be sure to set all the clocks AHEAD one hour.

Site Update: Interview with DJ Jinnai (Nemesis Records)

Monday, March 27th, 2006

Let us start off the new week with a little treat. Here is an interview that I have conducted with DJ Jinnai, the man who provided some awesome mixes of anime tunes in the latest release of AnimeToonz3: Kristine Sa. Cop it if you have not already :P.

Site Update: New Fan Art Submission

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006

Thanks to Parfait and Vio, the Animesou fan art section has three new pieces on display. Parfait with a pretty cute version of Kasumi from Dead Or Alive and Vio with two works from Digimon: Greymon and Dorugamon and Deax-Dorugamon merged together. Good job mates! And this goes out for all fans, if you want your art displayed, simply follow the instructions in the Fan Art Galleries and you will have your work displayed in no time :).

Site Update: New Links Directory (Search Engine) and Fan Art is BACK!

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Yep yep, our fan art section if up and running in our features, so submit your work if you want it displayed in our galleries. We have also added a links directory to the Sou at the “directory” tab on top, so if you have a website of your own that is anime related, submit it! More stuff to be added back soon hehehe.

Site Update: Kamikaze Girls Review

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

I have posted a review of Viz Media’s live action gem, Kamikaze Girls, featuring Kyoko Fukada and Anna Tsuchiya. Be sure to check this baby out!

Site Update: New Watcher Is Up!

Thursday, March 16th, 2006

After long postponement, our new Watcher is finally up and running. In Edition 16, we explore FUNimation’s Fall 2006 release of Trinity Blood. This title will definitely turn some heads, as GONZO did the animation. Remember that our Watcher feature is released on a monthly basis, so check back next month for Edition 17… which will be a Manga Entertainment title :). That’s all I will leak to you. And as always, I got more updates coming :P. Have a nice day minna-san!

Site Update: OTAKU UNITE!

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

Alrighty, I’ve been pondering how to write my first review pertaining to an anime documentary. And finally, I bring to you, Central Park Media’s Otaku Unite!, which is available now in stores. Here’s your chance to discover the earlier days of anime in the United States. More updates to come, keep checking back :).

Site Update: Features Reposted…

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Hey fans, please bear with us as we are reposting our features back onto the site… mainly the Watchers. Yes there will be a new edition coming in the process. Meanwhile, RTG writes Model Building - Lesson 2: Putty. ARGH!!!!

Site Update: New Reviews!

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

Lookie here. Dark Wind has posted a review on Texhnolyze, and I did an advanced review for ADV Films’ March 7th release of UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Vol. 1: Bedlam, Bathhouse & Beyond. RAYTHEGREAT! also did a review on the 1/35 Gasaraki Ishtar Mk-II model. Enjoy!